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  1. Marshall, D. C., K. B. R. Hill, J. R. Cooley, and C. Simon. 2011. Hybridization, Mitochondrial DNA Phylogeography, and Prediction of the Early Stages of Reproductive Isolation: Lessons from New Zealand Cicadas (genus Kikihia). Syst. Biol. DOI 10.1093/sysbio/syr017

  2. Fontaine, K. M, J. R. Cooley, and C. Simon. 2007. Evidence for paternal leakage in hybrid periodical cicadas (Hemiptera: Magicicada spp.). PLoS One 9: e891 (DOI: pone.0000892).

  3. Simon, C., T. R. Buckley, F. Frati, J. B. Stewart, and A. T. Beckenbach. 2006. Incorporating Molecular Evolution into Phylogenetic Analysis, and a New Compilation of Conserved Polymerase Chain Reaction Primers for Animal Mitochondrial DNA. Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics 37:545-579.

  4. Arensburger, P., T. R. Buckley, C. Simon, M. Moulds, and K. E. Holsinger. 2004. Biogeography and phylogeny of the New Zealand cicada genera (Hemiptera: Cicadidae) based on nuclear and mitochondrial DNA data. Journal of Biogeography 31: 557-569.

  5. Arensburger, P., C. Simon, and K. E. Holsinger. 2004. Evolution and phylogeny of the New Zealand cicada genus Kikihia Dugdale (Homoptera: Auchenorrhyncha: Cicadidae) with special reference to the origin of the Kermadec and Norfolk Islands' species. Journal of Biogeography 31: 1769-1783.

  6. Buckley, T. R., C. Simon, P.K. Flook, and B. Misof. 2000. Secondary structure and conserved motifs of the frequently sequenced domains IV and V of the insect mitochondrial large subunit rRNA gene. Insect Molecular Biology (9)6: 565-580.

  7. Buckley, T. R., C. Simon, and G. K. Chambers. 2001. Exploring Among-Site Rate Variation Models in a Maximum Likelihood Framework Using Empirical Data: Effects of Model Assumptions on Estimates of Topology, Branch Lengths, and Bootstrap Support. Syst. Biol. 50(1):67-86.

  8. Buckley, T. R., C. Simon, and G. K. Chambers. 2001. Phylogeography of the New Zealand cicada Maoricicada campbelli based on mitochondrial DNA sequences: Ancient clades associated with cenozoic environmental change. Evolution 55: 1395-1407.

  9. Buckley, T. R., C. Simon, H. Shimodaira, and G. K. Chambers. 2001. Evaluating Hypotheses on the Origin and Evolution of the New Zealand Alpine Cicadas (Maoricicada) Using Multiple-Comparison Tests of Tree Topology. Syst. Biol. 51(1):4-18,.

  10. Buckley, T. R., P. Arensburger, C. Simon, and G. K. Chambers. 2002. Combined Data, Bayesian Phylogenetics, and the Origin of the New Zealand Cicada Genera. Mol. Biol. Evol. 18(2): 223-234.

  11. Cooley, J. R., G. S. Hammond, and D. C. Marshall. 1998. Effects of enamel paint on the behavior and survival of the periodical cicada Magicicada septendecim (Homoptera) and the lesser migratory grasshopper Melanoplus sanguinipes (Orthoptera). Great Lakes Entomologist 31: 161-168.

  12. Cooley, J. R., C. Simon, D. C. Marshall, K. Slon, and C. Ehrhardt. 2001. Allochronic speciation, secondary contact, and reproductive character displacement in periodical cicadas (Hemiptera: Magicicada spp.): Genetic, morphological, and behavioural evidence. Molecular Ecology 10: 661-671.

  13. Cooley, J. R., and D. C. Marshall. 2001. Sexual signaling in periodical cicadas, Magicicada spp. Behaviour 138: 827-855.

  14. Cooley, J. R., C. Simon, and D. C. Marshall. 2003. Temporal Separation and Speciation in Periodical Cicadas. BioScience 53: 151-157.

  15. Cooley, J. R., D. C. Marshall, and C. Simon. 2004. The historical contraction of periodical cicada Brood VII (Hemiptera: Cicadidae: Magicicada). Journal of the New York Entomological Society 112: 198-204.

  16. Heliovaara, K., R. Vaisanen, and C. Simon. 1994. Evolutionary Ecology of Periodical Insects. Trends In Ecology and Evolution 9:475-480.

  17. Lloyd, M., G. Kritsky, and C. Simon. 1983. A simple Mendelian model for the 13- and 17-year life cycle of periodical cicadas, with historical evidence for hybridization between them. Evolution 37: 1162-1180.

  18. Marshall, D. C., J. R. Cooley, R. D. Alexander, and T. E. Moore. 1996. New records of Michigan Cicadidae (Homoptera) with notes on the use of songs to monitor range changes. Great Lakes Entomologist 29: 165-169.

  19. Marshall, D. C., and J. R. Cooley. 2000. Reproductive character displacement and speciation in periodical cicadas, with description of a new species, 13-year Magicicada neotredecim. Evolution 54: 1313-1325.

  20. Martin, A., and C. Simon. 1990. Differing levels of among-population divergence in the mitochondrial DNA of periodical cicadas related to historical biogeography. Evolution 44: 1066-1080.

  21. Simon, C., R. Karban, and M. Lloyd 1981. Patchiness, density, and aggregative behavior in sympatric allochronic populations of 17-year cicadas. Ecology 62: 1525-1535.

  22. Simon, C. 1983. Morphological differentiation in wing venation among broods of 13- and 17-year periodical cicadas. Evolution 37: 104-115.

  23. Simon, C., F. Frati, A. Beckenbach, B. Crespi, H. Liu, and P. Flook. 1994. Evolution, weighting, and phylogenetic utility of mitochondrial gene sequences and a compilation of conserved polymerase chain reaction primers. Ann. Entomol. Soc. Amer. 87: 651-701.

  24. Simon, C., J. Tang, S. Dalwadi, G. Staley, J. Deniega, and T. R. Unnasch. 2000. Genetic evidence for assortative mating between 13-year cicadas and sympatric "17-year cicadas with 13-year life cycles" provides support for allochronic speciation. Evolution 54: 1326-1336.

  25. Williams, K. S., and C. Simon. 1995. The ecology, behavior, and evolution of periodical cicadas. Annu. Rev. Entomol. 40: 269-295

  26. Simon, C., F. Frati, A. Bechenbach, B. Crespi, H. Liu, and P. Flook. 1994. Evolution, weighting, and phylogenetic utility of mitochondrial gene sequences and a compilation of conserved polymerase chain reaction primers. Ann. Entomol. Soc. Am. 87(6): 651-701.

  27. Simon, C. 1979. Debut of the seventeen year old cicada. Natural History 88:40-44.

  28. Simon, C. 1979. Magicicada: The Forgotten Visitor. The Conservationist May-June 1979: pp. 14-17.

  29. Simon, C. 1979. Brood II of the 17-year cicada on Staten Island: Timing and Distribution. Proceedings of the Staten Island Institute of Arts and Science 50:35-46.