Seminar speaker sign-up

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Revision as of 14:15, 24 February 2010 by MarkUrban (Talk | contribs) (Thursday, 25 February)

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To schedule a meeting: Click the 'edit' tab above. Enter your name to the right of the first pair of vertical lines (||) for the desired meeting time and the meeting location after the second pair of vertical lines.

For seminar hosts: This page should be updated in order to reflect the schedule of the current week's seminar speaker. For an empty template of the source text, click here. Customize the schedule to match the speaker's availability, and add events like meals and airport arrival/departure times as necessary.

Click here for the EEB Department Seminar page.

Seminar Speaker: Jim Clark
Institution: Duke University
Seminar Title: The individual variation required for maintenance of diversity: synthesis of theory and empirical evidence
Faculty or Student Contact: John Silander or Cory Merow

Thursday, 25 February

Time Name Room
8:00am Breakfast John Silander's
9:00am Kent Holsinger BioPharm 305A
9:30am Kent Holsinger (cont.)
10:00am Mark Urban BioPharm 200A
11:00am Dipak Dey BioPharm 223
11:30am Chris Elphick BioPharm 300A
12:00pm Grad Student Lunch Bamford
1:30pm Sarah Treanor BioPharm 225
2:00pm Jenica Allen BioPharm 225
2:30pm Jenica Allen BioPharm 225
3:00pm EEB 3894 Bamford
3:30pm prepare for seminar
4:00pm seminar BPB 130
6:00pm Dinner at Silander's

Friday, 25 Febraury

Time Name Room
8:00am Breakfast
11:00am Eldridge Adams Pharm/Bio 205A
12:00pm Lunch
1:00pm Adam Wilson BioPharm 223
2:00pm Cory Merow BioPharm 223
2:30pm Depart for airport Biopharm 223