Maoricicada Biogeography: Evolutionary tree (gene genealogy) constructed from mitochondrial DNA data (COI + A6 + A8 genes). This is a consensus tree of Maximum Likelihood (ML GTR+I+G), Minimum Evolution (LogDet+I), and Maximum Parsimony (6-parameter) procedures. Bootstrap values at each node are ML, ME, and MP values, respectively. Maps show the distribution of each species. Abbreviations: Maoricicada nigra nigra (NN), M. nigra frigida (NF), M. otagoensis (OT), M. phaeoptera (PH), M. alticola (AL), M. iolanthe (IO), M. campbelli (CM), M. oromelaena (OR), M. clamitans (CL), M. mangu awakino (MA), M. mangu gourlayi (MG), M. mangu celer (MC), M. mangu mangu (MM), M. mangu multicostata (MU), M. tenuis (TE), M. cassiope (CS), M. hamiltoni (MA), M. myersi (MY), M. lindsayi (ML).
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