Molt talk reference list



Borras, T., T. Cabrera, J. C Cabrera, and J. C. Senar. 2004. Interlocality variation in speed of moult in the Citril Finch Serinus citronella. Ibis 146: 14–17

Butler, L. K., M. G. Donahue, and S. Rowher. 2002. Molt-migration in Western Tanager (Piranga ludoviciana): age effects, aerodynamics, and conservation implications. Auk 119: 1010-1023.

Dawson, A. 2003. A detailed analysis of primary feather moult in the common Starling Sturnus vulgaris - new feather mass increases at a constant rate. Ibis 145: 345.

Dawson, A. Hinsley S. A., P. N. Ferns, R. H. C. Bonser, and L. Eccleston. 2000. Rate of moult affects feather quality: a mechanism linking current reproductive effort to future survival. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B 267: 2093-2098.

Hall, K. S. S., and T. Fransson. 2000. Lesser Whitethroats under time-constraint moult more rapidly and grow shorter wing feathers. Journal of Avian Biology 31: 583-587.

Hall, K. S. S., and T. Fransson. 2001. Wing moult in relation to autumn migration in adult Common Whitethroats Sylvia communis . Ibis 143: 580-586.

Hinsley, S. A., P. Rothery, P. N. Ferns, P. E. Bellamy, and A. Dawson. 2003. Wood size and timing of moult in birds: potential consequences for plumage quality and bird survival. Ibis 145: 337-340.

Langston, N. E., and S. Rowher. 1996. Molt-breeding tradeoffs in albatrosses: life history implications for big birds. Oikos 76: 498-510.

Pimm, S. 1976. Estimation of the duration of bird molt. Condor 78: 550.

Rohwer, S., and J. Manning. 1990. Differences in timing and number of molts for Baltimore and Bullock's orioles: Implications for hybrid fitness and theories of delayed plumage maturation. Condor 92: 125-140.

Voelker, G. 2000. Molt of the gray vireo. Condor 102: 610-618.

Voelker, G., and S. Rowher. 1998. Contrasts in the scheduling of molt and migration in eastern and western warbling-vireos. Auk 115: 142-155.

Young, B. E. 1991. Annual molts and interruption of the fall migration for molting in Lazuli Buntings. Condor 93: 236-250.

Yuri, T., and S. Rowher. 1997. Molt and migration in the Northern Rough-winged Swallow. Auk 114: 249-262.

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