PUBLICATIONS (complete list) – Chris Elphick
Floyd, T., E. Ammon, C.S. Elphick, K. Mack, R. Elston, G. Chisholm and J. Boone. Nevada Breeding Bird Atlas. University of Nevada Press. Accepted for publication; in revision. 
Elphick, C.S., A.F. Zuur, E.N. Ieno, and G.M. Smith. Submitted. Investigating the effects of rice farming on aquatic birds with mixed modelling. In: Analysis of Ecological Data (A.F. Zuur, E.N. Ieno, and G.M. Smith, eds.).
Reed, J.M., C.S. Elphick, A.F. Zuur, E.N. Ieno, and G.M. Smith. Submitted. Time series analysis of Hawaiian waterbirds.  In: Analysis of Ecological Data (A.F. Zuur, E.N. Ieno, and G.M. Smith, eds.).
Elphick, C.S., J.M. Reed, D.J. Delehanty. In press.  Applications of reproductive biology to bird conservation and population management.  In: Reproductive Biology and Phylogeny of Birds (B.G.M. Jamieson, ed.). Science Publishers, Enfield, New Hampshire, USA.
Greenberg, R., C. Elphick, J. C. Nordby, C. Gjerdrum, H. Spautz, G. Shriver, B. Schmeling, B. Olsen, P. Marra, N. Nur, and M. Winter. In press. Between the devil and the deep blue sea: nesting ecology of tidal marsh sparrows.  In R. Greenberg, S. Droege, J. Maldonado, and M. V. McDonald (eds.) Vertebrates of Tidal Marshes: Ecology, Evolution and Conservation. Studies in Avian Biology, Allen Press, Lawrence, KS, USA.
Gjerdrum, C., C.S. Elphick, and M. Rubega.  2005. What determines nest site selection and nesting success in saltmarsh breeding sparrows? Condor 107: 849-862.
Elphick, C.S. 2005. Review of: Hill, Red Bird in a Brown Bag: The Function and Evolution of Colorful Plumage in the House Finch; and Birkhead, A Brand New Bird: How Two Amateur Scientists Created the First Genetically Engineered Animal. Birding. (In press).
Elphick, C.S. 2005. Review of: Couzens, Birds by Behavior; Icenoggle, Birds in Place; and Michl, A Birders’ Guide to the Behaviour of  European and North American Birds. Birding 37: 316-324. 
Sibley, D., C. S. Elphick and J. B. Dunning. Weekly, Aug 2002 to Dec 2005. Sibley on Birds.  Nationally syndicated newspaper column, distributed by New York Times Special Features.
Elphick, C.S. 2004. Assessing conservation trade-offs: Identifying the effects of flooding rice fields for waterbirds on non-target bird species.  Biological Conservation 117: 105-110.
Elphick, C.S. 2004. Review of: Adamus, P. et al., Oregon Breeding Bird Atlas, and Wernham, C. et al., The Migration Atlas: movements of the birds of Britain and Ireland. Birding 36: 312-320.
Elphick, C.S., and L.W. Oring. 2003. Effects of rice field management on winter waterbird communities: conservation and agronomic implications. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 94:17-29. [pdf]
Elphick, C.S. 2003. Review of: Clark, G., Birds of Storrs. Connecticut Warbler 23: 67-69.
Elphick, C.S., and J. Klima. 2002. Hudsonian Godwit (Limosa haemastica). The Birds of North America, No. 629 (A. Poole and F. Gill, eds.). The Birds of North America, Inc., Philadelphia, PA.
Anderson, C., R. Rozzi, C. Elphick, and S. McGehee. 2002. El programa Omora de anillamiento de aves en los bosques subantárticos: la estandarización del tamaño de anillos apropiados par alas aves de la región de Magallanes.  Boletin Chileno de Ornitología 9:2-11.
Elphick, C.S., J.M. Reed, and J.M. Bonta. 2001. Correlates of endangered species recovery goals. Conservation Biology 15:1285-1291.
Warnock, N., C.S. Elphick, and M.A. Rubega. 2001. Biology of marine birds: shorebirds. In: Biology of Marine Birds (J. Burger and B.A. Schreiber, eds.). CRC Press. pp 581-615.
Elphick, C.S., J.B. Dunning, and D.S. Sibley (eds.). 2001. National Audubon Society. Sibley Guide to Bird Life and Behavior. Knopf. 608 pp. (New York Times best seller list.)
Cech, R., J.B. Dunning, C.S. Elphick, and M. Rubega. 2001. Flight, form and function. In: National Audubon Society. Sibley Guide to Bird Life and Behavior. Knopf. pp. 15-38.
Cech, R., J.B. Dunning, and C.S. Elphick. 2001. Bird behavior.  In: National Audubon Society. Sibley Guide to Bird Life and Behavior. Knopf.  pp. 51-79.
Cech, R., D.S. Sibley, C.S. Elphick and J.B. Dunning. 2001. Habitats and distribution.  In: National Audubon Society. Sibley Guide to Bird Life and Behavior. Knopf. pp. 80-106.
Reed, J. M., and C.S. Elphick. 2001. Populations and conservation. In: National Audubon Society. Sibley Guide to Bird Life and Behavior. Knopf. pp. 107-120.
Sibley, D.A., and C.S. Elphick. 2001. Jacanas.  In: National Audubon Society. Sibley Guide to Bird Life and Behavior. Knopf. pp. 271-272.
Elphick, C.S.  2001. A comprehensive revision of the Nevada Bird Records Committee review list. Great Basin Birds 4: 13-18.
Elphick, C.S. 2000. Functional equivalency between rice fields and seminatural wetland habitats. Conservation Biology 14:181-191. [pdf]
Howe, M., J. Bart, S. Brown, C. Elphick, B. Harrington, C. Hickey, G. Morrison, S. Skagen, and N. Warnock, eds.  2000.  A Comprehensive Monitoring Program for North American Shorebirds.  Manomet Center for Conservation Sciences.  124 pp.
Elphick, C.S. and G. Chisholm. 1999. Nevada Breeding Bird Atlas: Annual Report 1998. Great Basin Birds 2:52-55.
Baepler, D., D. Crowe, C.S. Elphick, L. Hoskins, L. Neel, F. Ryser, Jr., and J. Eidel. 1999. Report of the Nevada Bird Records Committee for 1997. Great Basin Birds 2:72-74.
Elphick, C.S., and L.W. Oring. 1998. Winter management of California rice fields for waterbirds. Journal of Applied Ecology 35:95-108. [pdf]
Elphick, C.S. and T.L. Tibbitts. 1998. Greater Yellowlegs (Tringa melanoleuca). The Birds of North America, No. 355 (A. Poole and F. Gill, eds.). The Birds of North America, Inc., Philadelphia, PA.
Reed, J.M., C.S. Elphick, and L.W. Oring. 1998. Life-history and viability analysis of the endangered Hawaiian stilt. Biological Conservation 84:35-45.
Elphick, C.S. 1998. Waterbird conservation and ecology: the role of rice field management in habitat restoration. Ph.D. dissertation. University of Nevada, Reno.
Elphick, C.S. 1997. Experimental approaches to shorebird habitat management. In Conservation and Management of Shorebirds in the Western Great Basin (J.M. Reed, N. Warnock, and L.W. Oring, eds.). International Wader Studies 9:20-28.
Elphick, C.S. 1997. Correcting avian richness estimates for unequal sample effort in atlas studies. Ibis 139:189-190.
Elphick, C.S., and M.A. Rubega. 1995. Prey choices and foraging efficiency of recently-fledged California Gulls at Mono Lake, California. Great Basin Naturalist 55:363-367.
Oring, L.W., and C.S. Elphick. 1994. Review of: Helmers, D.L. 1992. Shorebird Management Manual. Auk 110:672-674.
Elphick, C.S., and G.L. Hunt. 1993. Variations in the distributions of marine birds with water masses in the northern Bering Sea. Condor 95:33-44.