Patrick Bukowski is an EEB BS/MS student who has been helped with invertebrate identification for our saltmarsh bird studies and is now conducted independent research on farmland birds.


Chris Elphick is a faculty member in the EEB department.


Chris Field is a student in the EEB BS/MS program and has been conducting research on saltmarsh sharp-tailed sparrow vocalizations.  He is also working on the development of Important Bird Area conservation plans for Audubon-Connecticut.


Jason Hill is an EEB Master’s student studying the movement behavior and survival of adult and fledgling saltmarsh sharp-tailed sparrows.


Erin King is a former Master’s student who continues to help out with our saltmarsh bird study from time to time.  She is also working on the development of Important Bird Area conservation plans for Audubon-Connecticut.


Trina Schneider Bayard is an EEB PhD student studying breeding site selection behavior in saltmarsh sharp-tailed sparrows.


Oriane Taft is a postdoctoral researcher working on a major review of waterbird occurrence in agricultural habitats.  Although affiliated with our research group she is currently based in Oregon.





Dan Britton was a student in the EEB BS/MS program and recently completed his MS.


Martha Ellis was an EEB major who conducted undergraduate research on mute swan population dynamics and behavior in our group. She is currently an NSF-funded PhD student at the University of Montana.


Carina Gjerdrum ran our saltmarsh sparrow research for the first 3 years of the project.  Prior to that she earned her MSc at Simon Fraser University in British Columbia, where she did some very cool research on tufted puffins.  She now works as a seabird biologist for the Canadian Wildlife Service in Nova Scotia.


Selena Humphries was an EEB major who conducted independent research on saltmarsh sharp-tailed sparrow nest building behavior in our group.





Patrick Comins is Director for Bird Conservation at Audubon-Connecticut.  He is responsible for prompting our group’s interest in saltmarsh sparrows.


Chris Hill is a professor at Coastal Carolina University who has been helping us to study paternity patterns in saltmarsh sparrows.


Min Huang is a a waterfowl biologist with the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection and a PhD student in the NRME department.  He is a collaborator on our studies of mute swan foraging biology.


Shannon Kearney is a wildlife biologist with the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection and a PhD student in the Pathobiology department.  Members of our research group have helped with her research on West Nile Virus in birds.


Michael Reed is a professor at Tufts University.  A long-term friend since our Reno days, Michael and Chris collaborate on a variety of topics and frequently get lost when driving places because we talk so much we don’t pay attention to where we’re going.


Margaret Rubega is a faculty member in the EEB department and a close collaborator on many things.