Seminar speaker sign-up

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This page should be updated frequently in order to reflect the schedule of the current week's seminar speaker. For an empty template of the source text, click here. Customize the schedule to match the speaker's availability, and add events like meals and airport arrival/departure times as necessary.

To schedule a meeting, click the 'edit' tab above. Enter your name to the right of the first pair of vertical lines (||) for the desired meeting time and the meeting location after the second pair of vertical lines.

Click here for the EEB Department Seminar page.

Seminar Speaker: David Marcogliese
Institution: Fluvial Ecosystem Research Section, Environment Canada
Seminar Title: Parasites as indicators of ecosystem health
Faculty or Student Contact: Janine Caira

Thursday, 6 December

Time Name Room
10:30am Dave Wagner TLS 471
12:00pm Lunch with graduate students Bamford
1:00pm Maria Pickering
1:30pm Florian Reyda
3:00pm EEB 297: Current Topics in Ecology and Evolution Bamford
3:30pm Seminar preparation
4:00pm EEB Department Seminar BSP 130

Friday, 7 December

Time Name Room
9:30am Chris Elphick BioPharm 300A
10:00am Eric Schultz BioPharm 205B
11:00am Carrie Fyler TLS 480
12:00pm Lunch with Caira lab Bamford
3:00pm Informal seminar: Parasites of spottail shiners in the St. Lawrence River in relation to urban effluents, habitat and biodiversity Bamford