Seminar speaker sign-up

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Robin Chazdon

Institution: University of Connecticut/University of the Sunshine Coast
Seminar Title: "Mapping the best opportunities for tropical forest restoration at landscape, regional, and global scales"
Time and Place: 3:30 PM, Thursday, September 5th, BPB 131
Contact: Carl Schlichting <

Thursday, April 25th, 2019

Time Name Location
9:00-9:30 Chris Simon BioPharm 305d
9:30-10:30 Elizabeth Jockusch BioPharm 305b
10:30-11:00 Christina Baer BioPharm 302
11:00-11:30 Justin Kratovil BioPharm 322
11:30-12:00 Louise Lewis BioPharm 311 (lab)
12:00-1:00 Lunch with grad students Bamford Room, TLS 171
1:00-1:30 Carlos Garcia-Robledo PBB 400A
1:30-2:00 Cera Fisher PBB 318
2:00-2:30 Robi Bagchi PBB 205C
2:30-2:45 catch up time, break
2:45-3:15 EEB 3894 class- Eliza Grames and Alex Trouern-Trend Bamford Room, TLS 171
3:15-3:30 Set up for seminar Elizabeth
3:30-4:30 Seminar "The roles of ancient waterways, evolving landscapes, and shifting climates in structuring desert arachnofaunas" BioPhysics 131
4:30-5:00 Snacks Bamford, TLS 171
5:30 Elizabeth Jockusch, Carlos Garcia-Robledo, Kevin Keegan, Annette Evans. dinner, restaurant TBD