Seminar speaker sign-up

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Justin Touchon
Institution: Vassar College
Seminar Title: The Role of Phenotypic Plasticity in Evolution
Time and Place: 4:00 PM, Thursday, 1 September 2016, in BPB 131
Contact: Kentwood Wells

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Time Name Room
8:00 am Kentwood Wells TLS 380
9:00 am Manette Sandor BioPharm 223
9:30 Eric Schultz BioPharm 205B
10:00 Susan Herrick TLS 470
10:30 Carlos Garcia-Robledo BioPharm 400A
11:00 Mark Urban BioPharm 200A
11:30 Elizabeth Jockusch BioPharm 305B
12:00 Lunch with grad students TLS171B (Bamford Room)
1:00 Holly Brown PharmBio 402
2:30 Annette Evans BioPharm 322
3:00 Kurt Schwenk TLS 360
3:30 Pre-seminar snacks Bamford Room
4:00 The Role of Phenotypic Plasticity in Evolution BPB 131
6:30 Dinner Sukhothai Restaurant in Manchester Wells, Herrick