Prospective Nick van Gilder

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Nick van Gilder

Contact: Elizabeth Jockusch

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Time Name Location
8:30-10 *breakfast with Elizabeth and walk to campus
10:00 Grace Vaziri TLS 083
10:30 Mark Stukel PBB 323
11:00 Andrew Stillman BioPharm 225
11:30 David Wagner TLS 471
12:00-1:00 *Lunch with Grads
1:00 Liz Clifton PharmBio 204
2:30 Jack Phillips TLS 365
3:00 Chris Simon Biopharm 305d
3:30 -4:30 *Jockusch lab meeting PBB 303 "fishbowl"
6:00 *dinner TBD

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Time Name Location
9-1 *Explore the local area--amphibians included*
1:00-1:30 Carlos Garcia-Robledo PBB 400A
2:00-2:30 Chris Elphick TLS 372/4
2:30-3:00 Annette Evans PharmBio 322
3:30-4:30 *Departmental Seminar, Barbara Thiers (NY Botanical Garden): Collectively saving plant and fungal biodiversity through the world's herbaria BioPhysics 131
4:45-6:00 *Reception for Natural Selection is AMAZING: Exploring the Dazzling Diversity of Treehoppers exhibit Babbidge Library, Plaza level
6:30 *Dinner with lab? WilliBrew