Difference between revisions of "Ornithology Collections: Specimen Donation and Tracking"

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(Inventory of Donated Specimens)
(Inventory of Donated Specimens)
(40 intermediate revisions by 5 users not shown)
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!width="100"| Status
!width="100"| Status
| || American Woodcock || Scolopax minor || Drying in Hood || good || some || Collections
| 10-Nov-2007 || Red Tailed Hawk || Buteo jamaicensis || 2 || good || yes || Elphick Lab
| 4-Jan-1990 || Red Tailed Hawk || Buteo jamaicensis || 2 || fair || yes || Elphick Lab
| 3-Mar-1999 || Red Tailed Hawk || Buteo jamaicensis || 2 || fair || yes || Elphick Lab
| 4-Jan-1990 || Red Tailed Hawk || Buteo jamaicensis || 2 || fair || yes || Elphick Lab
| April-2006 || Great Horned Owl || Bubo virginianus || 2 || good || yes || Elphick Lab
| || Great Horned Owl || Bubo virginianus || 3 || fair || yes || Elphick Lab
| Feb-2000 || Barred Owl || Strix varia || 2 || good || yes || Elphick Lab
| 30-Jan-2007 || Barred Owl || Strix varia || 2 || good || yes || Elphick Lab
| || Barred Owl || Strix varia || 3 || fair || no || Elphick Lab
| March 1 || Saw Whet Owl || Aegolius acadicus || 1 || good || some || Elphick Lab
| 2008 || Saw Whet Owl || Aegolius acadicus || 1 || good || some || Elphick Lab
| 12-Jan-1994 || Sharp Shinned Hawk || Accipiter striatus || 2 || fair || yes || Elphick Lab
| 7-Jan-1994 || Sharp Shinned Hawk || Accipiter striatus || 2 || fair || yes || Elphick Lab
| 29-Sep-1993 || Sharp Shinned Hawk || Accipiter striatus || 2 || poor || yes || Elphick Lab
| || Sharp Shinned Hawk 4x || Accipiter striatus || 3 || fair,good || no || Elphick Lab
| 6-Jun-2010 || Coopers Hawk || Accipiter cooperii || 2 || good || yes || Elphick Lab
| 21-Dec-2007 || Juv. Coopers Hawk || Accipiter cooperii || 2 || good || yes || Elphick Lab
| 3-Aug-2006 || Coopers Hawk || Accipiter cooperii || 2 || good || yes ||Elphick Lab
| 24-Aug-1994 || Coopers Hawk || Accipiter cooperii || 3 || poor || yes ||Elphick Lab
| 26-Ocy-2006 || Coopers Hawk || Accipiter cooperii || 2 || good || yes ||Elphick Lab
| 8-Aug-2008 || Coopers Hawk || Accipiter cooperii || 2 || good || yes ||Elphick Lab
| 25-Aug-2008 || Coopers Hawk || Accipiter cooperii || 2 || good || yes ||Elphick Lab
| || Coopers Hawk 5x || Accipiter cooperii || 2 || fair-good || no ||Elphick Lab
| 9-Jan-2009 || Pine Siskin || Carduelis pinus || 2 || good || yes ||Elphick Lab
| 14-Jun-2008 || Tern Chick || || 1 || good || yes ||Elphick Lab
| 5-Sept-2004 || Nighthawk || Chordeiles gundlachii || 1 || good || yes ||Elphick Lab
| 7-Nov-2005 || Long-Eared Owl || Asio outs || 1 || good || yes ||Elphick Lab
| 10-Jun-2009 || Pine Siskin || Carduelis pinus || 2 || good || yes ||Elphick Lab
| 31-Mar-2009 || Pine Siskin || Carduelis pinus || 2 || good || yes ||Elphick Lab
| 19-Mar-2009 || Pine Siskin || Carduelis pinus || 2 || good || yes ||Elphick Lab
| 15-Mar-2009 || Pine Siskin || Carduelis pinus || 2 || good || yes ||Elphick Lab
| 12-Mar-2009 || Pine Siskin || Carduelis pinus || 2 || good || yes ||Elphick Lab
| 9-Jan-2009 || Pine Siskin || Carduelis pinus || 2 || good || yes ||Elphick Lab
| || Pine Siskin || Carduelis pinus || 3 || good || no ||Elphick Lab
| 13-Jun-2007 || Ruffed Grouse || Bonasa umbellus || 1 || good || yes ||Elphick Lab
| 19-Oct-2004 || Lincoln Sparrow || Melospiza lincolnii || 2 || fair || yes ||Elphick Lab
| 6-Jul-2009 || Savannah Sparrow || Passerculus sandwichensis || 1 || fair || yes ||Elphick Lab
| Feb 2011 || Eastern Screech Owl || Otus asio || 3 || good || some ||Elphick Lab
| || American Woodcock || Scolopax minor || to ORN cabinet || good || some || Collections
| 19-Apr-2011 || Chipping Sparrow || Spizella passerina || Drying in Hood || fair || some || Collections
| 19-Apr-2011 || Chipping Sparrow || Spizella passerina || to ORN cabinet || fair || some || Collections
| || Ovenbird || Seiurus aurocapillus || 2 || good || some || Collections
| 15-Nov-2011 || Ovenbird || Seiurus aurocapillus || to ORN cabinet || fair || some || Collections
| || W.T. Sparrow || Zonotrichia albicollis || In Progress (???) || skin only || some || Collections
| || W.T. Sparrow || Zonotrichia albicollis || In Progress (???) || skin only || some || Collections
| || Tufted Titmouse || Baeolophus bicolor || 3 || good || no || Collections
| || Tufted Titmouse || Baeolophus bicolor || Freeze Cycle || good || no || Collections
| || Great Horned Owl || Bubo virginianus || 3 || good || no || Collections
| || Great Horned Owl || Bubo virginianus || in hood, M.A. || good || no || Collections
| || Common Loon || Gavia immer || 2 || good || no || Collections
| 16-Aug-2003 || ?Finch? || || 3 || poor || yes || TLS
| 16-Apr-2011 || Red-Throated Loon || Gavia stellata || 1 || good || yes || Collections
| 1-Mar-2011 || Great Horned Owl || Bubo virginianus || 2 || good || yes
| 1-Mar-2011 || Great Horned Owl || Bubo virginianus || 2 || good || yes
Line 65: Line 139:
| 9-May-2011 || Lincoln's Sparrow || Melospiza lincolnii || save for JDL || good || yes || Collections
| 9-May-2011 || Lincoln's Sparrow || Melospiza lincolnii || save for JDL || good || yes || Collections
| 7-Jul-2011 || Gray Catbird || Dumetella carolinensis || In Progress (M.A.) || fair || yes || Collections
| 16-Sep-2011 || Eastern Towhee || Pipilo erythrophthalmus || Drying in Hood || good || yes || Collections
| 18-Dec-1996 || Evening Grosbeak || Coccothraustes vespertinus || 1 || fair || yes || Collections
| 18-Dec-1996 || Evening Grosbeak || Coccothraustes vespertinus || 1 || fair || yes || Collections
Line 74: Line 145:
| 19-Dec-1996 || W.T. Sparrow || Zonotrichia albicollis || 3 || fair || yes || Collections
| 19-Dec-1996 || W.T. Sparrow || Zonotrichia albicollis || 3 || fair || yes || Collections
| 20-Dec-1996 || Veery || Catharus fuscescens || 1 || good || yes || Collections
| 20-Dec-1996 || Veery || Catharus fuscescens || Freeze Cycle (Wings) || good || yes || Collections
| 21-Dec-1996 || Nighthawk || Chordeiles minor || 1 || good || yes || Collections
| 21-Dec-1996 || Nighthawk || Chordeiles minor || 1 || good || yes || Collections
| 28-May-2011 || Wood Thrush (young) || Hylocichla mustelina || Drying in Hood || good || some || Collections
| 28-May-2011 || Wood Thrush (young) || Hylocichla mustelina || To ORN Cabinet || good || some || Collections
| 18-Mar-2011 || Downy Woodpecker || Picoides pubescens || 2 || good || yes || Collections
| 18-Mar-2011 || Downy Woodpecker || Picoides pubescens || freeze cycle, M.A. ||good || yes ||Collections
| 31-Mar-2011 || Downy Woodpecker || Picoides pubescens || Drying in Hood || good || yes || Collections
| 31-Mar-2011 || Baltimore Oriole || Icterus galbula || 2 || good || yes || Collections
| 31-Mar-2011 || Baltimore Oriole || Icterus galbula ||to ORN cabinet || good || yes ||Collections
| 31-Mar-2011 || Blue Jay || Cyanocitta cristata || Drying in Hood || good || yes || Collections
| 31-Mar-2011 || Blue Jay || Cyanocitta cristata ||to ORN cabinet || good||yes|| Collections
| 31-Mar-2011 || Blue Jay || Cyanocitta cristata || Drying in Hood || good || yes || Collections
| 31-Mar-2011 || Hermit Thrush || Catharus ustulatus || to ORN cabinet || wing prep only || yes || Collections
| 31-Mar-2011 || Hermit Thrush || Catharus ustulatus || 3 || poor || yes || Collections
| 31-Mar-2011 || W.T. Sparrow || Zonotrichia albicollis || 2 || good || yes || Collections
| 31-Mar-2011 || W.T. Sparrow || Zonotrichia albicollis || 2 || good || yes || Collections
| 31-Mar-2011 || W.T. Sparrow || Zonotrichia albicollis || Drying in Hood || good || some || Collections
|  31-Mar-2011    ||    White-breasted Nuthatch    ||  Sitta carolinensis          ||    1      ||    good      ||  yes    || Collections
|  31-Mar-2011    ||    White-breasted Nuthatch    ||  Sitta carolinensis          ||    1      ||    good      ||  yes    || Collections
Line 100: Line 165:
|  31-Mar-2011    ||    Black-Throated Sparrow  ||  Amphispiza bilineata          ||    1      ||    good      ||  yes    || Collections
|  31-Mar-2011    ||    Black-Throated Sparrow  ||  Amphispiza bilineata          ||    1      ||    good      ||  yes    || Collections
|  3-Jun-2011    ||    Song Sparrow  ||  Melospiza melodia          ||    1     ||    good      ||  yes    || Collections  
|  3-Jun-2011    ||    Song Sparrow  ||  Melospiza melodia          ||    Freeze Cycle     ||    good      ||  yes    || Collections  
|  6-Sep-2011    ||    Carolina Wren  ||  Thryothorus ludovicianus          ||      3   ||    good      ||  no    || Collections
|  6-Sep-2011    ||    Carolina Wren  ||  Thryothorus ludovicianus          ||      Freeze Cycle   ||    good      ||  no    || Collections
|  6-Sep-2011  ||    Northern Flicker  ||  Colaptes auratus        ||    In Progress (N.P.)      ||    good      ||  no    || Collections
|  6-Sep-2011  ||    Northern Flicker  ||  Colaptes auratus        ||    Freeze Cycle    ||    good      ||  no    || Collections
|  9-Sep-2011    ||    Eastern  Bluebird  ||  Silalia sialis          ||      Drying in Hood    ||    good      ||  yes    || Collections
|  9-Sep-2011    ||    Eastern  Bluebird  ||  Silalia sialis          ||  To ORN Cabinet     ||    good      ||  yes    || Collections  
|  22-Sep-2011    ||    Wood Thrush  ||  Hylocichla mustelina        ||      Drying in Hood     ||    good      ||  yes    || Collections  
|      ||    Northern Flicker  ||  Colaptes auratus          ||      In Progress (S.H.)    ||    good      ||  some    || TLS
|      ||    Northern Flicker  ||  Colaptes auratus          ||      In Progress (S.H.)    ||    good      ||  some    || TLS
|    ||    Great Horned Owl ||  Bubo virginianus    ||      3    ||    good      ||  no    || Collections
|  20-May-2012  ||    Northern Cardinal ||  Cardinalis cardinalis    ||      2    ||    good      ||  some    || Collections
|  25-Jul-2001    ||    Great Blue Heron  ||  Ardea herodias          ||      2    ||    good      ||  some    ||  TLS
|  25-Jul-2001    ||    Great Blue Heron  ||  Ardea herodias          ||      2    ||    good      ||  some    ||  TLS
Line 124: Line 191:
|  6-Jun-2008    ||    Juv. Wild Turkey  ||  Meleagris gallopavo        ||      1    ||    good      ||  yes    || TLS
|  6-Jun-2008    ||    Juv. Wild Turkey  ||  Meleagris gallopavo        ||      1    ||    good      ||  yes    || TLS
|  30-Dec-2008    ||    Barred Owl  ||  Strix varia        ||    1      ||    good      ||  yes    || TLS
|  30-Dec-2008    ||    Barred Owl  ||  Strix varia        ||    1      ||    good      ||  yes    || Collections
| 24-May-2009   ||    Ring-necked Pheasant  || Phasianus colchicus      ||     In Progress (S.H.)    ||    good   ||  yes    || TLS
| Dec-2008   ||    Great Horned Owl ||   Bubo virginianus    ||     2    ||    good       ||  yes    || Collections
|  17-Feb-2009    ||    Eastern Screech Owl  ||  Megascops asio      ||      3     ||     good      ||  yes    || TLS
|  24-May-2009    ||    Ring-necked Pheasant  ||  Phasianus colchicus      ||    In Progress (S.H.)    ||    good  ||  yes    || Collections
|  17-Feb-2009    ||    Eastern Screech Owl  ||  Megascops asio      ||      N.P., in freezer     ||good      ||  yes    || Collections
|  17-May-2010    ||    American Redstart  ||  Setophaga ruticilla        ||      1    ||    good      ||  yes    || TLS
|  17-May-2010    ||    American Redstart  ||  Setophaga ruticilla        ||      1    ||    good      ||  yes    || TLS
Line 136: Line 205:
|  29-Jun-2010    ||    Yellow-bellied Sapsucker  ||  Sphyrapicus varius      ||      1    ||    good      ||  yes    || TLS
|  29-Jun-2010    ||    Yellow-bellied Sapsucker  ||  Sphyrapicus varius      ||      1    ||    good      ||  yes    || TLS
| 11-Jun-2011    ||    Red-tailed Hawk  ||  Buteo jamaicensis    ||      1   ||    good      ||  yes    || TLS
| 11-Jun-2011    ||    Red-tailed Hawk  ||  Buteo jamaicensis    ||      Drying in Hood   ||    good      ||  yes    || TLS
| 31-Mar-2011    ||    Great Horned Owl ||  Bubo virginianus    ||      1    ||    good      ||  yes    || TLS
| 31-Mar-2011    ||    Great Horned Owl ||  Bubo virginianus    ||      1    ||    good      ||  yes    || TLS
Line 144: Line 213:
|    ||    Rose-breasted Grosebeak ||  Pheucticus ludovicianus    ||      3    ||    good      ||  no  || Rubega
|    ||    Rose-breasted Grosebeak ||  Pheucticus ludovicianus    ||      3    ||    good      ||  no  || Rubega
|    ||    Red-bellied Woodpecker (2x) ||  Melanerpes carolinus    ||      3    ||    good      ||  no  || Rubega
|    ||    Red-bellied Woodpecker ||  Melanerpes carolinus    ||      3    ||    good      ||  no  || Rubega
|    ||    Red-bellied Woodpecker ||  Melanerpes carolinus    ||  to freezer -N.P.    ||    good      ||  no  || prep lab
|    ||    Juv. Red-bellied Woodpecker ||  Melanerpes carolinus    ||      3    ||    good      ||  no  || Rubega
|    ||    Juv. Red-bellied Woodpecker ||  Melanerpes carolinus    ||      3    ||    good      ||  no  || Rubega
|    ||    Tuffed Titmouse ||  Baeolophus bicolor    ||      3   ||    good      ||  no  || Rubega
|    ||    Tufted Titmouse ||  Baeolophus bicolor    ||      to ORN cabinet (N.P.)   ||    good      ||  no  || Rubega
|    ||    Barn Swallow ||  Hirundo rustica    ||      3    ||    good      ||  no  || Rubega
|    ||    Barn Swallow ||  Hirundo rustica    ||      3    ||    good      ||  no  || Collections
|    ||    Downy Woodpecker ||  Picoides pubescens    ||      3    ||    good      ||  no  || Rubega
|    ||    Downy Woodpecker ||  Picoides pubescens    ||      3    ||    good      ||  no  || Rubega
Line 156: Line 227:
|    ||    Wood Thrush ||  Hylocichla mustelina    ||      3    ||    good      ||  some  || Rubega
|    ||    Wood Thrush ||  Hylocichla mustelina    ||      3    ||    good      ||  some  || Rubega
|    ||    Carolina Wren ||  Thryothorus ludovicianus   ||      3    ||    good      ||  no  || Rubega
|    ||    Winter Wren ||  Troglodytes hiemalis   ||      3    ||    good      ||  no  || Collections
| || Red Tailed Hawk || Buteo jamaicensis || 2 || fair || no || Collections
|   ||    Pilated Woodpecker ||  Dryocopus pileatus   ||      3   ||    good      ||  some  || Rubega
|   5-May-2012 ||    Hermit Thrush ||  Catharus guttatus   ||      2   ||    good      ||  Some  || Collections
28-Dec-1993  ||     Sharp-shinned Hawk ||  Accipiter striatus    ||      3   ||    fair      ||  yes  || Rubega
23-Sept-2007 ||   Juv. Sharp-shinned Hawk ||  Accipiter striatus    ||      2   ||    fair      ||  yes  || Collections
23-Sept-2007 ||   Juv. Sharp-shinned Hawk ||  Accipiter striatus   ||     2    ||    fair       ||  yes  || Rubega
25-Jan-2008  ||     Northern Saw Whet Owl ||  Aegolius acadicus   || in progress-JDL  ||    good       ||  yes  || prep lab
25-Jan-2008  ||    Northern Saw Whet Owl ||  Aegolius acadicus   ||      1    ||    good      ||  yes  || Rubega
1-May-2008  ||    Black-and-white Warbler ||  Mniotilta varia   ||      1    ||    good      ||  yes  || Collections
|  1-May-2008  ||    Black-and-white Warbler ||  Mniotilta varia    ||      1    ||    good      ||  yes  || Rubega
|  10-Jul-2009  ||    ?Warbler? ||      ||          ||    good      ||  yes  || Collections
|  10-Jul-2009  ||    ?Warbler? ||      ||          ||    good      ||  yes  || Rubega
|  20-Jul-2009  ||    Rose-breasted Grosebeak ||    Pheucticus ludovicianus  ||    2    ||    good      ||  yes  || Rubega
|  20-Jul-2009  ||    Rose-breasted Grosebeak ||    Pheucticus ludovicianus  ||    2    ||    good      ||  yes  || Rubega
Line 176: Line 247:
|  7-Sep-2009  ||    American Goldfinch ||    Carduelis tristis  ||    3    ||    good      ||  yes  || Rubega
|  7-Sep-2009  ||    American Goldfinch ||    Carduelis tristis  ||    3    ||    good      ||  yes  || Rubega
29-Sep-2009  ||    ?Warbler? ||     ||         ||    good      ||  some || Rubega
Sept 7 2009  ||    Chipping Swallow ||   Spizella passerina ||     3  ||    good      ||  yes || Collections
|  6-Oct-2009  ||    Yellow-rumped Warbler ||    Dendroica coronata  ||    2    ||    good      ||  some  || Rubega
|  29-Sep-2009  ||    ?Warbler? 2x ||      ||          ||    good      ||  some  || Collections
|  6-Oct-2009  ||    Yellow-rumped Warbler ||    Dendroica coronata  ||    2    ||    good      ||  some  || Collections
|  28-Oct-2009  ||    W.T. Sparrow ||    Zonotrichia albicollis  ||    2    ||    good      ||  yes  || Rubega
|  28-Oct-2009  ||    W.T. Sparrow ||    Zonotrichia albicollis  ||    2    ||    good      ||  yes  || Rubega
|  25-Nov-2009  ||    Ruddy Duck ||    Oxyura jamaicensis   ||    2    ||    good      ||  yes  || Rubega
|  25-Nov-2009  ||    Ruddy Shelduck ||    Tadorna ferruginea   ||    2    ||    good      ||  yes  || Collections
|  7-Jan-2010  ||    Eastern Screech Owl ||    Megascops asio  ||    3    ||    good      ||  yes  || Rubega
|  7-Jan-2010  ||    Eastern Screech Owl ||    Megascops asio  ||    3    ||    good      ||  yes  || Rubega
29-Jan-2010  ||    Sharp-shinned Hawk ||    Accipiter striatus  ||    3    ||    good      ||  yes  || Rubega
26-Jan-2010  ||    Sharp-shinned Hawk ||    Accipiter striatus  ||    3    ||    good      ||  yes  || Collections
|  2-Feb-2010  ||    Song Sparrow ||    Melospiza melodia  ||    1    ||    good      ||  yes  || Rubega
|  2-Feb-2010  ||    Song Sparrow ||    Melospiza melodia  ||    1    ||    good      ||  yes  || Rubega
Line 192: Line 265:
|  11-May-2010  ||    Black-and-white Warbler ||    Mniotilta varia  ||    1    ||    good      ||  yes  || Rubega
|  11-May-2010  ||    Black-and-white Warbler ||    Mniotilta varia  ||    1    ||    good      ||  yes  || Rubega
|  6-Jul-2010  ||    Willet ||    Catoptrophorus semipalmatus  ||    for JDL    ||    good      ||  yes  || Rubega
|  7-Jul-2010  ||    ?Shorebird? ||      ||        ||    good      ||  yes  || Collections
|  7-Jul-2010  ||    ?Shorebird? ||      ||        ||    good      ||  yes  || Rubega
|  9-Aug-2010  ||    Northern Waterthrush ||    Seiurus noveboracensis  ||    1    ||    good      ||  yes  || Rubega
|  9-Aug-2010  ||    Northern Waterthrush ||    Seiurus noveboracensis  ||    1    ||    good      ||  yes  || Collections
|  3-Oct-2010  ||    Downy Woodpecker ||    Picoides pubescens ||    3  ||    good      ||  yes  || Rubega
|  3-Oct-2010  ||    Downy Woodpecker ||    Picoides pubescens ||    3  ||    good      ||  yes  || Rubega
|  27-Nov-2010  ||    Golden-crowned Kinglet ||    Regulus satrapa ||    ||    good      ||  yes  || Rubega
|  27-Nov-2010  ||    Golden-crowned Kinglet ||    Regulus satrapa ||    Drying in Hood  ||    good      ||  yes  || Collections
| 19-Jan-2011  ||    American Coot ||   Fulica americana ||    2  ||    good      ||  yes  || Rubega
|   Feb-2012 ||    Cooper's Hawk || Accipiter cooperii ||    2  ||    good      ||  yes  || Collections
|  19-Jan-2011  ||    Long-tailed Duck ||    Clangula hyemalis ||    2  ||    good      ||  yes  || Rubega
|  19-Jan-2011  ||    Hooded Merganser ||    Lophodytes cucullatus ||    2  ||    good      ||  yes  || Collections
19-Jan-2011  ||    Hooded Merganser ||    Lophodytes cucullatus ||    2  ||    good      ||  yes  || Rubega
22-Jan-2011  ||    Hooded Merganser ||    Lophodytes cucullatus ||    2  ||    good      ||  yes  || Collections
|  20-Jan-2011  ||    Red-breasted Merganser ||    Mergus serrator ||    1   ||    good      ||  yes  || Rubega
|  20-Jan-2011  ||    Red-breasted Merganser ||    Mergus serrator ||    freeze cycle, N.P.   ||    good      ||  yes  || Collections
|  11-May-2010  ||    Black and White Warbler ||    Mniotilta varia ||    2  ||    good      ||  yes  || Collections
|  14-Jul-2011  ||    Winter Wren ||    Trogylodytes troglodytes ||    2  ||    good      ||  some  || Collections
|  30-Jun-2012    ||    Downy Woodpecker  ||    Picoides pubescens    ||      2    ||    good      ||  yes    || Collections
|  3-Jul-2012    ||    Downy Woodpecker  ||    Picoides pubescens    ||      2    ||    good      ||  yes    || Collections
|  12-May-2012 ||    Hermit Thrush 2X ||  Catharus guttatus    ||      2    ||    good      ||  Some  || Collections
|  22-Jan-2011  ||    Hooded Merganser ||    Lophodytes cucullatus ||    2  ||    good      ||  yes  || Rubega
|  22-Jan-2011  ||    Hooded Merganser ||    Lophodytes cucullatus ||    2  ||    good      ||  yes  || Rubega
|  30-Jan-2011 ||    Cooper's Hawk ||  Accipiter cooperii ||    2  ||    good      ||  yes  || Rubega
|  30-Mar-2011  ||    Rock Dove ||    Columba livia ||    1  ||    good      ||  yes  || Rubega
|  30-Mar-2011  ||    Rock Dove ||    Columba livia ||    1  ||    good      ||  yes  || Rubega
|  10-Sep-2011  ||    American Robin, young ||    Turdus migratorius ||    2  ||    good      ||  yes  || Collections
|  spring 2011  ||    Empidonax sp. ||    Empidonax flycatcher ||    for JDL  ||    good      ||  yes  || collections
|  spring 2011  ||    Empidonax sp. ||    Empidonax flycatcher ||    for JDL  ||    good      ||  yes  || collections
|  July 14 2011 ||    Winter Wren ||    Troglodytes hiemalis ||    2  ||    good      ||  yes  || Rubega
|  Sep 2011  ||    Ruby-throated Hummingbird ||    Archilochus colubris ||    for Alejandro  ||    okay      ||  yes  || Collections
|  Sep 2011  ||    Ruby-throated Hummingbird ||    Archilochus colubris ||    for Alejandro  ||    okay      ||  yes  || Collections
|  Nov 28 2011  ||    Cedar Waxwing 6x ||    Bombycilla cedrorum ||    3  ||    good      ||  yes  || Rubega
|  Jul 24 2012  ||    North Cardinal 2x ||    Cardinalis cardinalis ||    3  ||    good      ||  yes  || Rubega
|  16 Nov 2012  ||    Yellow-rumped Warbler ||    Dendroica coronata  ||    2    ||    good      ||  some  || Rubega
|  4 Nov 2012  ||    Black Capped Chickadee ||    Poecile articapillus  ||    2    ||    good      ||  some  || Rubega
|  12 Nov 2012 ||    Hermit Thrush  ||  Catharus guttatus    ||      2    ||    good      ||  Some  || Rubega
|    ||    Cedar Waxwing  ||    Bombycilla cedrorum ||    3  ||    good      ||  no  || Rubega
|  Jun 5 2012  ||    Redstart ||    Setophaga ruticilla  ||    1  ||    good      ||  yes  || Rubega
|  Jun 5 2012  ||    Juv. European Starling ||    Sturnus vulgaris ||    1  ||    good      ||  yes  || Rubega

Revision as of 21:49, 9 December 2012

Chicken skull.jpg

Collection Manager: Susan Hochgraf

Office: BioPhysics 127

Office Phone: 486-8945

Email: susan.hochgraf@uconn.edu

Preparators: Alejandro Rico Guevara, Jorge deLeon, Margaret Rubega

What To Do If You Find a Dead Bird, and Want to Donate It to the UConn Research Collection

Our collection of bird skins, tissues and bones is currently growing largely through salvage: we accept birds found dead by members of the public. These specimens add to the "library of birdlife" we maintain. Your donations make it possible for future researchers to investigate the bird populations of Connecticut.

If you find a dead bird, the very first thing to do is to determine if it is fresh enough to make a useful specimen. A bird that hasn't been dead for long will be round, not flattened or sagging; the eyes will be full and still moist; the feathers will not fall out when you handle the bird; the body will not smell. In contrast, a specimen that has already begun to decay will be collapsed, and may be oozing fluids; the eyes will be sunken and dry-looking; the feathers will be loosely attached and fall out easily when tugged, or when you handle the bird; there may be insects (ants, maggots) on or in the specimen; and the body will smell bad.

Specimens showing advanced signs of decay are best left where they are. Specimens in good condition should be sealed in a plastic bag (a ziploc with the air squeezed out of it is ideal) with a note containing the following information: your name and contact information; the location (at least town) where the bird was found; the date; and any information you may have about the bird (e.g., how it died - "Hit a window"). If you have the means to measure the bird's weight at the time you picked it up, that information is also very helpful. Once the bird is sealed in a plastic bag, PUT IT IN THE FREEZER AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. Freezing the body arrests the process of decay, and maximizes the likelihood we can prepare the specimen in a way that will preserve it.

The collection manager works part time (one day per week); she is in the collection on Thursdays. Accordingly, Thursdays are the best days to bring a specimen you wish to donate to the collection. You can call the manager at 860-486-8945 to ensure that someone will be present to take the specimen from you at the time you are due to arrive. If you cannot bring your donation by on a Thursday, contact someone in the Rubega lab at 486-3839 or 486-0309 to arrange a meeting to drop the specimen off.

Inventory of Donated Specimens

(as specimens are prepared, they will move off this list and onto the collection database )

Date Donated Common name Species Prep Priority Score Condition / Comments Data Status
10-Nov-2007 Red Tailed Hawk Buteo jamaicensis 2 good yes Elphick Lab
4-Jan-1990 Red Tailed Hawk Buteo jamaicensis 2 fair yes Elphick Lab
3-Mar-1999 Red Tailed Hawk Buteo jamaicensis 2 fair yes Elphick Lab
4-Jan-1990 Red Tailed Hawk Buteo jamaicensis 2 fair yes Elphick Lab
April-2006 Great Horned Owl Bubo virginianus 2 good yes Elphick Lab
Great Horned Owl Bubo virginianus 3 fair yes Elphick Lab
Feb-2000 Barred Owl Strix varia 2 good yes Elphick Lab
30-Jan-2007 Barred Owl Strix varia 2 good yes Elphick Lab
Barred Owl Strix varia 3 fair no Elphick Lab
March 1 Saw Whet Owl Aegolius acadicus 1 good some Elphick Lab
2008 Saw Whet Owl Aegolius acadicus 1 good some Elphick Lab
12-Jan-1994 Sharp Shinned Hawk Accipiter striatus 2 fair yes Elphick Lab
7-Jan-1994 Sharp Shinned Hawk Accipiter striatus 2 fair yes Elphick Lab
29-Sep-1993 Sharp Shinned Hawk Accipiter striatus 2 poor yes Elphick Lab
Sharp Shinned Hawk 4x Accipiter striatus 3 fair,good no Elphick Lab
6-Jun-2010 Coopers Hawk Accipiter cooperii 2 good yes Elphick Lab
21-Dec-2007 Juv. Coopers Hawk Accipiter cooperii 2 good yes Elphick Lab
3-Aug-2006 Coopers Hawk Accipiter cooperii 2 good yes Elphick Lab
24-Aug-1994 Coopers Hawk Accipiter cooperii 3 poor yes Elphick Lab
26-Ocy-2006 Coopers Hawk Accipiter cooperii 2 good yes Elphick Lab
8-Aug-2008 Coopers Hawk Accipiter cooperii 2 good yes Elphick Lab
25-Aug-2008 Coopers Hawk Accipiter cooperii 2 good yes Elphick Lab
Coopers Hawk 5x Accipiter cooperii 2 fair-good no Elphick Lab
9-Jan-2009 Pine Siskin Carduelis pinus 2 good yes Elphick Lab
14-Jun-2008 Tern Chick 1 good yes Elphick Lab
5-Sept-2004 Nighthawk Chordeiles gundlachii 1 good yes Elphick Lab
7-Nov-2005 Long-Eared Owl Asio outs 1 good yes Elphick Lab
10-Jun-2009 Pine Siskin Carduelis pinus 2 good yes Elphick Lab
31-Mar-2009 Pine Siskin Carduelis pinus 2 good yes Elphick Lab
19-Mar-2009 Pine Siskin Carduelis pinus 2 good yes Elphick Lab
15-Mar-2009 Pine Siskin Carduelis pinus 2 good yes Elphick Lab
12-Mar-2009 Pine Siskin Carduelis pinus 2 good yes Elphick Lab
9-Jan-2009 Pine Siskin Carduelis pinus 2 good yes Elphick Lab
Pine Siskin Carduelis pinus 3 good no Elphick Lab
13-Jun-2007 Ruffed Grouse Bonasa umbellus 1 good yes Elphick Lab
19-Oct-2004 Lincoln Sparrow Melospiza lincolnii 2 fair yes Elphick Lab
6-Jul-2009 Savannah Sparrow Passerculus sandwichensis 1 fair yes Elphick Lab
Feb 2011 Eastern Screech Owl Otus asio 3 good some Elphick Lab
American Woodcock Scolopax minor to ORN cabinet good some Collections
19-Apr-2011 Chipping Sparrow Spizella passerina to ORN cabinet fair some Collections
15-Nov-2011 Ovenbird Seiurus aurocapillus to ORN cabinet fair some Collections
W.T. Sparrow Zonotrichia albicollis In Progress (???) skin only some Collections
Tufted Titmouse Baeolophus bicolor Freeze Cycle good no Collections
Great Horned Owl Bubo virginianus in hood, M.A. good no Collections
16-Aug-2003 ?Finch? 3 poor yes TLS
1-Mar-2011 Great Horned Owl Bubo virginianus 2 good yes Collections
27-Dec-2001 ?Loon? Gavia ??? 1 good yes Collections
9-May-2011 Lincoln's Sparrow Melospiza lincolnii save for JDL good yes Collections
18-Dec-1996 Evening Grosbeak Coccothraustes vespertinus 1 fair yes Collections
19-Dec-1996 W.T. Sparrow Zonotrichia albicollis 3 fair yes Collections
20-Dec-1996 Veery Catharus fuscescens Freeze Cycle (Wings) good yes Collections
21-Dec-1996 Nighthawk Chordeiles minor 1 good yes Collections
28-May-2011 Wood Thrush (young) Hylocichla mustelina To ORN Cabinet good some Collections
18-Mar-2011 Downy Woodpecker Picoides pubescens freeze cycle, M.A. good yes Collections
31-Mar-2011 Baltimore Oriole Icterus galbula to ORN cabinet good yes Collections
31-Mar-2011 Blue Jay Cyanocitta cristata to ORN cabinet good yes Collections
31-Mar-2011 Hermit Thrush Catharus ustulatus to ORN cabinet wing prep only yes Collections
31-Mar-2011 W.T. Sparrow Zonotrichia albicollis 2 good yes Collections
31-Mar-2011 White-breasted Nuthatch Sitta carolinensis 1 good yes Collections
31-Mar-2011 Black-Throated Sparrow Amphispiza bilineata 1 good yes Collections
3-Jun-2011 Song Sparrow Melospiza melodia Freeze Cycle good yes Collections
6-Sep-2011 Carolina Wren Thryothorus ludovicianus Freeze Cycle good no Collections
6-Sep-2011 Northern Flicker Colaptes auratus Freeze Cycle good no Collections
9-Sep-2011 Eastern Bluebird Silalia sialis To ORN Cabinet good yes Collections
Northern Flicker Colaptes auratus In Progress (S.H.) good some TLS
Great Horned Owl Bubo virginianus 3 good no Collections
20-May-2012 Northern Cardinal Cardinalis cardinalis 2 good some Collections
25-Jul-2001 Great Blue Heron Ardea herodias 2 good some TLS
20-Apr-2002 Carolina Wren Thryothorus ludovicianus 1 good some TLS
29-Oct-2002 Barred Owl Strix varia 1 good some TLS
14-Oct-2005 Hairy Woodpecker Picoides villosus 1 good yes TLS
16-Oct-2007  ?Hawk? Accipiter ?? In Progress (???) good yes TLS
6-Jun-2008 Juv. Wild Turkey Meleagris gallopavo 1 good yes TLS
30-Dec-2008 Barred Owl Strix varia 1 good yes Collections
Dec-2008 Great Horned Owl Bubo virginianus 2 good yes Collections
24-May-2009 Ring-necked Pheasant Phasianus colchicus In Progress (S.H.) good yes Collections
17-Feb-2009 Eastern Screech Owl Megascops asio N.P., in freezer good yes Collections
17-May-2010 American Redstart Setophaga ruticilla 1 good yes TLS
18-Jun-2010 Downy Woodpecker Picoides pubescens 2 good yes TLS
29-Jun-2010 Yellow-bellied Sapsucker Sphyrapicus varius 1 good yes TLS
11-Jun-2011 Red-tailed Hawk Buteo jamaicensis Drying in Hood good yes TLS
31-Mar-2011 Great Horned Owl Bubo virginianus 1 good yes TLS
Cedar Waxwing Bombycilla cedrorum 3 good some Rubega
Rose-breasted Grosebeak Pheucticus ludovicianus 3 good no Rubega
Red-bellied Woodpecker Melanerpes carolinus 3 good no Rubega
Red-bellied Woodpecker Melanerpes carolinus to freezer -N.P. good no prep lab
Juv. Red-bellied Woodpecker Melanerpes carolinus 3 good no Rubega
Tufted Titmouse Baeolophus bicolor to ORN cabinet (N.P.) good no Rubega
Barn Swallow Hirundo rustica 3 good no Collections
Downy Woodpecker Picoides pubescens 3 good no Rubega
Wood Thrush Hylocichla mustelina 3 good some Rubega
Winter Wren Troglodytes hiemalis 3 good no Collections
Red Tailed Hawk Buteo jamaicensis 2 fair no Collections
5-May-2012 Hermit Thrush Catharus guttatus 2 good Some Collections
23-Sept-2007 Juv. Sharp-shinned Hawk Accipiter striatus 2 fair yes Collections
25-Jan-2008 Northern Saw Whet Owl Aegolius acadicus in progress-JDL good yes prep lab
1-May-2008 Black-and-white Warbler Mniotilta varia 1 good yes Collections
10-Jul-2009  ?Warbler? good yes Collections
20-Jul-2009 Rose-breasted Grosebeak Pheucticus ludovicianus 2 good yes Rubega
20-Aug-2009 Cooper's Hawk Accipiter cooperii 1 good yes Rubega
7-Sep-2009 American Goldfinch Carduelis tristis 3 good yes Rubega
Sept 7 2009 Chipping Swallow Spizella passerina 3 good yes Collections
29-Sep-2009  ?Warbler? 2x good some Collections
6-Oct-2009 Yellow-rumped Warbler Dendroica coronata 2 good some Collections
28-Oct-2009 W.T. Sparrow Zonotrichia albicollis 2 good yes Rubega
25-Nov-2009 Ruddy Shelduck Tadorna ferruginea 2 good yes Collections
7-Jan-2010 Eastern Screech Owl Megascops asio 3 good yes Rubega
26-Jan-2010 Sharp-shinned Hawk Accipiter striatus 3 good yes Collections
2-Feb-2010 Song Sparrow Melospiza melodia 1 good yes Rubega
11-May-2010 Black-and-white Warbler Mniotilta varia 1 good yes Rubega
7-Jul-2010  ?Shorebird? good yes Collections
9-Aug-2010 Northern Waterthrush Seiurus noveboracensis 1 good yes Collections
3-Oct-2010 Downy Woodpecker Picoides pubescens 3 good yes Rubega
27-Nov-2010 Golden-crowned Kinglet Regulus satrapa Drying in Hood good yes Collections
Feb-2012 Cooper's Hawk Accipiter cooperii 2 good yes Collections
19-Jan-2011 Hooded Merganser Lophodytes cucullatus 2 good yes Collections
22-Jan-2011 Hooded Merganser Lophodytes cucullatus 2 good yes Collections
20-Jan-2011 Red-breasted Merganser Mergus serrator freeze cycle, N.P. good yes Collections
11-May-2010 Black and White Warbler Mniotilta varia 2 good yes Collections
14-Jul-2011 Winter Wren Trogylodytes troglodytes 2 good some Collections
30-Jun-2012 Downy Woodpecker Picoides pubescens 2 good yes Collections
3-Jul-2012 Downy Woodpecker Picoides pubescens 2 good yes Collections
12-May-2012 Hermit Thrush 2X Catharus guttatus 2 good Some Collections
22-Jan-2011 Hooded Merganser Lophodytes cucullatus 2 good yes Rubega
30-Jan-2011 Cooper's Hawk Accipiter cooperii 2 good yes Rubega
30-Mar-2011 Rock Dove Columba livia 1 good yes Rubega
spring 2011 Empidonax sp. Empidonax flycatcher for JDL good yes collections
July 14 2011 Winter Wren Troglodytes hiemalis 2 good yes Rubega
Sep 2011 Ruby-throated Hummingbird Archilochus colubris for Alejandro okay yes Collections
Nov 28 2011 Cedar Waxwing 6x Bombycilla cedrorum 3 good yes Rubega
Jul 24 2012 North Cardinal 2x Cardinalis cardinalis 3 good yes Rubega
16 Nov 2012 Yellow-rumped Warbler Dendroica coronata 2 good some Rubega
4 Nov 2012 Black Capped Chickadee Poecile articapillus 2 good some Rubega
12 Nov 2012 Hermit Thrush Catharus guttatus 2 good Some Rubega
Cedar Waxwing Bombycilla cedrorum 3 good no Rubega
Jun 5 2012 Redstart Setophaga ruticilla 1 good yes Rubega
Jun 5 2012 Juv. European Starling Sturnus vulgaris 1 good yes Rubega