Move-out day

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The Green Grads are organizing a pilot project for a move-out item collection at the end of the Spring semester. We all know how much waste there is when students move out of the dorms. In coordination with EcoHuskies, OEP and Residential Life, we'll be collecting usable items such as furniture, clothes, canned food, appliances etc. as well as encouraging recycling and overall waste reduction.

If you can volunteer for a time slot between May 6th - May 11th, 10am - 6pm each day (Tuesday through Sunday), let us know (contact Karolina Fucikova or Tsitsi McPherson) or just sign up here: we'll have two tents (A and B in the table below) Tues-Fri and one tent Sat-Sun. We probably need 2-4 people at each tent.

Time Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
setup 9:30 Karolina, Tsitsi Karolina Karolina Karolina Karolina
10:00-12:00 A: Tsitsi Tsitsi Karolina Karolina
10:00-12:00 B: Karolina
12:00-2:00 A: Tsitsi Karolina
12:00-2:00 B:
2:00-4:00 A: Tsitsi Tsitsi Karolina Tsitsi Tsitsi
2:00-4:00 B: Karolina
4:00-6:00 A: Tsitsi Tsitsi
4:00-6:00 B: Tsitsi Karolina Karolina
cleanup 6:00-? Tsitsi, Karolina Tsitsi, Karolina Tsitsi, Karolina Tsitsi, Karolina Tsitsi, Karolina Tsitsi, Karolina