Graduate Student Research Symposium 2011

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Saturday, March 19, 2011

Biology/Physics Building Room 130, 9:00am to ~ 4:00pm

The EEB Graduate Student Symposium is an all day event where graduate students present their research to other graduate students and faculty. Any EEB graduate student can present: BSMS, masters, PhD, old and new students. New graduate students usually present research ideas or preliminary data, while those more ‘seasoned’ students present their most recent results, often in preparation for upcoming spring and summer meetings.


New Schedule

Time Speaker Title
8:30-9:00 Coffee & Tea (drinks only)
9:00-9:15 Dr. Lee Allen Aggison, Jr. Interim Vice Provost for Graduate Education & Dean of the Graduate School Welcome address
9:15-9:30 Frank Smith TBA
9:30-9:45 Beth Wade Gene flow and species boundaries of 3 cicada species in NZ (Cicadidae: Kikihia)
9:45-10:00 Bill Ryerson TBA
10:00-10:15 Maria Pickering TBA
10:15-10:30 Chris Owen TBA
10:30-11:00 Morning Break - Drinks and Fruit
11:00-11:15 Jon Velotta Functional consequences of land-locking in alewives
11:15-11:30 Alejandro Rico Hummingbirds´"pausing behavior"
11:30-11:45 Sarah Redmond TBA
11:45-12:00 Geert Goemans Field work in the Neotropics
12:00-1:30 Lunch - Sandwiches and Salad
1:30-2:00 Dr. Karen Ober Assistant Professor of Biology at College of the Holy Cross Keynote Address
2:00-2:15 Kathryn Theiss TBA
2:15-2:30 Jose Pereira TBA
2:30-2:45 Karolina Fucikova Bracteacoccus and its relatives: a case of cryptic genera.
2:45-3:00 Alyssa Borowske TBA
3:00-3:15 Manette Sandor TBA
3:15-3:30 Alexander DeFrancesco TBA
3:30-3:45 Johana Goyes-Vallejos TBA
3:45-4:00 Speed Talks
3:45-3:50 Lily Lewis Preliminary thoughts on the phylogeography of a dung moss
3:55-4:00 Biological Image Contest - 2011


Name Here
Title Here
Abstract Here