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EEB GSA Minutes, 11/1/07 Bamford Room

Call to Order 5:15 PM

Attendance: 20 people

Leah Brown-Wilusz was welcomed as undergraduate representative.

Kat Shaw (treasurer) reported that we spent 190 dollars on pizza at meetings. $170 for pizzas for MES. Tshirts cost 380 and have brought in 460. We will need money a head for t-shirts.

Vanessa Boukili (GSS senator) reported on the campus wide grievance policy and that there will be a coffee hour from 3-5 on the 1st Tuesday of every month. There is also a thanksgiving dinner from 6-8 pm on Nov 14th.

Karolina Fucikova (faculty rep) reported on the proposed new building that is taking over faculty meetings. She also reported that masters students can get copy cards.

Maxi Polihronakis reported that the grad students seminar speaker is Mo Donnelly and we don’t have a second one.

Molly Letch (graduate symposium) asked when the symposium should be. We took an informal vote about before (6) and after (4) spring break.

Rachel Prunier] (MES) reported that we had a successful first MES of the semester and that anyone who has friends that would like to give an MES should contact her.

Tsitsi McPherson (Seminar Lunch) asked for food suggestions and reported that there is now a 200 dollar a year budget for snacks at lunch.

Krissa Skogen (CCB) reported that they want to meet more than once this year and that there is a 5 year review of all centers on campus and that this review is coming this year. They would like to expand to other departments. The CCB grant due dat is in early February with a predicted fast turn around.

Maria Pickering (Barn Dance) reported that it was good and that she will be making a folder with barn dance information. It was suggested that we make sure that Greg knows who he should talk to about the barn dance in the future.

Nic Tippery (eebedia) reported that it is up and going and that there will always be both a web site and EEBedia. Maxi Polihronakis suggested that it is easier to do course webpages on eebedia but that eeebedia pages don’t show up on google. Nice said that all problems should be brought to him and then he will take them to paul.

Kathryn Theiss ( T-shirts) brought up some issues about marketing tshirts since we have been having a hard time selling the,. She wanted to know who they are aimed at, and also was looking for design suggestions. She suggested that we should consider expanding into other markets such as a new EEB nalgene, window stickers or tote bags. Krissa provided details about nalgenes. Kathryn wanted to know if we wanted to get something out in time for Christmas gifts. Lori Beniot suggested that we can do more formal fund raising.

Environmental responsibility – Krissa Skogen is seeking a gene likens liaison for next year. Adam volunteered.

Tstsi suggested that we could turn lights off and that the recycling containers are too small. She also suggested getting an audit for the building or getting CFL lightbulbs.

Leah Brown Wilusz mentioned that she wants to do something to raise environmental awareness.

Krissa Skogen said that we need to make a scene regularly so that people are reminded. Maxi Polihronakis suggested that we make tote bags with a list of things you can do for the environment.

Maria Pickering brought up a program called “Positive about UConn, and suggested that we talk to E O Smith about whether or not they have environmental programs. Maxi Polihronakis suggested that we form a graduate committee.

Someone suggested that we try to carpool/ bike in more.