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(Course Description and Objectives)
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[[Image:DSC03738_6.jpg|right|Photo by E. K. Timpe]]
[[Image:DSC03738_6.jpg|right|Hyla versicolor Photo by E. K. Timpe]]
<span style="font-size: x-large">EEB 3898 Field Herpetology</span><br>
<span style="font-size: x-large">EEB 3898 Field Herpetology</span><br>
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[[Image:DSC08257.JPG|right| ''Eurycea bislineata'' Photo by E. K. Timpe]]
'''[mailto:elizabeth.timpe@uconn.edu Elizabeth Timpe]'''<br>
'''[mailto:elizabeth.timpe@uconn.edu Elizabeth Timpe]'''<br>
Email: elizabeth.timpe@uconn.edu<br>
Email: elizabeth.timpe@uconn.edu<br>
Office: Biology/Pharmacy 318<br>
Office: Biology/Pharmacy 318<br>
Phone: (860) 486-6215<br>
Phone: (860) 486-6215<br>
Office hours: by appointment, often right after class<br><br><br>
Office hours: by appointment, often right after class<br><br><br><br><br><br>
==Course Description and Objectives==
==Course Description and Objectives==
[[Image:Heterodon2.jpeg|right|Heterodon platyrhinos Photo by E. K. Timpe]]
[[Image:DSC08189.JPG|right|Pseudacris crucifer Photo by E. K. Timpe]]
'''Course Description:'''<br>
'''Course Description:'''<br>
Herpetology is the scientific study of the amphibians and reptiles. In this course, we will examine the diversity of both groups, and learn about their basic biology (e.g., their physiology, ecology, behavior, reproductive biology, and conservation). Specifically, goals of this course are to familiarize the student with the identification, natural history, and conservation of Connecticut's amphibians and reptiles through direct field experience (e.g., active searches, turtle trapping, artificial cover objects, night-time road searches, and radio tracking). There will be various opportunities to observe these animals in the field during the day and at night. Students will leave the course with a good background in herpetology, and with a sound understanding of the diversity and distribution of amphibians and reptiles worldwide, with particular emphasis on Connecticut herpetofauna.<br><br>
''Herpetology is the scientific study of the amphibians and reptiles. In this course, we will examine the diversity of both groups, and learn about their basic biology (e.g., their physiology, ecology, behavior, reproductive biology, and conservation). Specifically, goals of this course are to familiarize the student with the identification, natural history, and conservation of Connecticut's amphibians and reptiles through direct field experience (e.g., active searches, turtle trapping, artificial cover objects, night-time road searches, and radio tracking). There will be various opportunities to observe these animals in the field during the day and at night. Students will leave the course with a good background in herpetology, and with a sound understanding of the diversity and distribution of amphibians and reptiles worldwide, with particular emphasis on Connecticut herpetofauna.''<br><br>
'''Course Objectives:'''<br>
'''Course Objectives:'''<br>
After completing this course the student should be able to:
After completing this course the student should be able to:<br>
identify Connecticut’s amphibians and reptiles by sight, and in the case of frogs by sound as well.
*identify Connecticut’s amphibians and reptiles by sight, and in the case of frogs by sound as well<br>
*effectively use standard field techniques and methods for studying herpetofauna (e.g., field note taking, dip netting, radio telemetry, designing sampling arrays, etc.)<br>
effectively use standard field techniques and methods for studying herpetofauna (e.g., field note taking, dip netting, radio telemetry, designing sampling arrays, etc.)  
*apply with proficiency the scientific method to assess questions and design a project pertaining to herpetofaunal biology and conservation<br><br>
apply with proficiency the scientific method to assess questions and design a project pertaining to herpetofaunal biology and conservation
==Course Procedures and Policies==
==Course Procedures and Policies==
:{{pdf|http://hydrodictyon.eeb.uconn.edu/courses/EEB2214/EEB3265%3A5265%20Course%20Procedures.doc}} Course Procedures 2011
:{{pdf|http://hydrodictyon.eeb.uconn.edu/courses/EEB2214/3465%3A5465%20Lecture%20Schedule%202011.doc}} Lecture Schedule 2011
:{{pdf|http://hydrodictyon.eeb.uconn.edu/courses/EEB2214/3465%3A5464%20Lab%20Schedule%202011.doc}} Lab Schedule 2011
''The lecture portion of this course will deal with various aspects of the biology of amphibians and reptiles, including physiological ecology, communication, social behavior, reproduction, parental care, and community ecology. The laboratories will focus on the classification and distribution of the major families of amphibians and reptiles of the world, as well as identification of Connecticut species. There will be some evening field trips toward the end of the semester to see breeding of local amphibians and daytime field trips to see other species.   Students are expected to attend the field trips.''<br><br>
''Each class will be comprised of a mini lecture (30-45 minutes), followed by a trip to a local field site. The lecture portion of this course will deal with various aspects of the biology of amphibians and reptiles, including physiological ecology, communication, social behavior, reproduction, parental care, and community ecology. The field trips will focus on the identification of Connecticut amphibians and reptiles, in addition to the demonstration and use of standard herpetological surveying and collecting techniques. There will be some evening field trips to see breeding of local amphibians and daytime field trips to see other species. Students are expected to attend the field trips.''<br><br>
'''Field Trips:'''<br>
There will be a scheduled field trip to the Yale Forest during lab time Monday, April 25th. There will be additional evening field trips once the weather is warm enough.  We will begin evening field trips as soon as the first amphibians start breeding, which could be as early as late March.  Many of these will be arranged on short notice.  We will try to do enough of these so that everyone has a chance to get out in the field a few times.<br><br>
The emphasis in this course in on readings from original literature.  I will be handing out detailed reference bibliographies with each lecture; assigned readings will be marked with * on each bibliography.  Those marked with † are available online and will not be supplied in hard copy.  Xeroxed copies of papers not available online will be in the green filing cabinet in my outer office (TLS 380) and can be signed out.  Please do not monopolize these readings for long periods of time, since it is impossible for me to make enough copies for the entire class.  The course textbook is Herpetology (3rd ed.) by F. H. Pough, R. M. Andrews, J. E. Cadle, M. L. Crump, A. H. Savitzky, and K. D. Wells (Prentice Hall, 2004).  An illustrated guide, Amphibians and Reptiles in Connecticut: A Checklist with Notes on Conservation Status, Identification, and Distribution by Michael Klemens (Connecticut DEP, 2000), may be useful as an additional reference for local species and can be ordered if students are interested.<br><br>
There will be two lecture exams.  The midterm will be given sometime in March, perhaps as a take-home exam. The final exam will be essay format, given on May 8.  For the final, I will hand out ten questions two weeks in advance, which you can prepare using class notes and readings.  Several of these questions will appear on the final exam given during the scheduled exam period.  You will not be able to bring any reference materials or notes to the exam.  There will be two lab practicals covering taxonomy, distribution, and natural history of amphibians and reptiles.  <br><br>
Grades will be determined approximately as follows:<br>
Grades will be determined as follows:<br>
'''Lab Practicals: 20% each'''<br>                  
*'''Midterm:''' 100 pts<br>
'''Midterm: 20%'''<br>  
*'''Final:''' 100 pts<br>
'''Final: 40%'''<br><br>
*'''Paper on individual project:''' 50 pts<br>
*'''Presentation on individual project:''' 50 pts<br>
*'''Field notebook entries:''' 75 pts<br>
*'''Participation:''' 25 pts<br>
*'''TOTAL:''' 400 pts<br><br>
Due to the accelerated and intensive nature of this summer course (3 hours, 5 days a week, 3 weeks), attendance is fully expected barring any illnesses or emergency. Missing a single class is roughly the equivalent of missing an entire week of a course during a standard semester, so it is very important that you attend every class.<br> <br>
'''Academic Integrity:'''<br>
'''Academic Integrity:'''<br>
Plagiarism and cheating are violations of the student conduct code, and may be punished by failure in the course or, in severe cases, dismissal from the University.  For more information, see  [http://www.community.uconn.edu/student_code_appendixa.html Appendix A of the Student Conduct Code].<br>
Plagiarism and cheating are violations of the student conduct code, and may be punished by failure in the course or, in severe cases, dismissal from the University.  For more information, see  [http://www.community.uconn.edu/student_code_appendixa.html Appendix A of the Student Conduct Code].<br>
If you have a disability for which you may be requesting an accommodation, you should contact a course instructor and the [http://www.csd.uconn.edu Center for Students with Disabilities] (Wilbur Cross Building, Room 201) within the first two weeks of the semester.<br>
If you have a disability for which you may be requesting an accommodation, you should contact a course instructor and the [http://www.csd.uconn.edu Center for Students with Disabilities] (Wilbur Cross Building, Room 201) within the first two weeks of the semester.<br><br>
==Course Materials==
==Course Materials==
[[Image:DSC08197.jpg|right|Desmognathus fuscus Photo by E. K. Timpe]]
• Textbook A Field Guide to Reptiles and Amphibians of Eastern and Central North America 4th edition; R. Conant and J. Collins
*A Field Guide to Reptiles and Amphibians of Eastern and Central North America 4th edition; R. Conant and J. Collins ISBN-10: 0395904528<br>
ISBN-10: 0395904528<br>
*Bound field notebook (composition book is fine and cheap)<br>  
Bound field notebook (composition book is fine and cheap)<br>  
*Old/junky footwear and clothes<br><br>
Old/junky footwear and clothes<br><br>
Rubber boots<br>  
*Rubber boots<br>  
Pair of waders (will be available if you don’t have a pair)<br>
*Pair of waders (will be available if you don’t have a pair)<br>
Headlamp (will be available)<br>
*Headlamp (will be available)<br>
Insect repellent and sunscreen<br>
*Insect repellent and sunscreen<br>
==Lecture and Lab Schedule & Materials==
==Course Resources==
'''Exam Materials'''<br>
{{pdf|http://hydrodictyon.eeb.uconn.edu/courses/fieldherp/restricted/EEB%203898%20%E2%80%93%20Field%20HerpetologyStudy%20Guide.pdf}}Exam 1 Study Guide<br>
{{pdf|http://hydrodictyon.eeb.uconn.edu/courses/fieldherp/restricted/EEB%203898%20%E2%80%93%20Field%20HerpetologyStudy%20Guide2_FINAL.pdf}}Exam 2 Study Guide<br><br>
'''Project Materials'''<br>
{{pdf|http://hydrodictyon.eeb.uconn.edu/courses/fieldherp/restricted/Paper%20for%20Field%20Herpetology%20Project.pdf}} Paper and Presentation Info<br> {{pdf|http://hydrodictyon.eeb.uconn.edu/courses/fieldherp/restricted/Project%20Ideas.pdf}} Project Ideas
[[Image:DSC04645.jpg|right| Opheodrys vernalis Photo by E. K. Timpe]]
[[Image:DSC06282.JPG|right|Gyrinophilus porphyriticus Photo by E. K. Timpe]]
{| border="1" cellpadding="1"
{| border="1" cellpadding="1"
!width="350"| Lecture Topic
!width="400"| Mini-Lecture Topic
!width="400"|Field Agenda*
!width="250"|Supplemental Materials
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| Jan 19 || Amphibians: Diversity and Morphological Evolution || Ch. 2, 3, 10 ||||
| '''M''', May 7 ||Introduction; standard field techniques<br><br>|| H.E.E.P. Trail, UConn campus  ||{{pdf|http://hydrodictyon.eeb.uconn.edu/courses/fieldherp/restricted/EKTimpe_FieldHerp_Summer2012.pdf}}Syllabus<br>{{pdf|http://hydrodictyon.eeb.uconn.edu/courses/fieldherp/restricted/Connecticut%20Amphibian%20and%20Reptile%20Checklist.pdf}}CT Herp Checklist<br>
| Jan 24 || Reptiles: Diversity and Morphological Evolution || Ch. 4, 10, 11 || Caecilian and Salamander Taxonomy ||{{pdf|http://hydrodictyon.eeb.uconn.edu/courses/EEB2214/Gymnophiona_UrodelaLab_Spring2011.pdf}}Gymnophiona/Urodela Lab<br>[http://hydrodictyon.eeb.uconn.edu/eebedia/index.php/Herpteology_Salamander_Videos Salamander Videos]<br>[http://www.rockedge.org/files/CT_salamandersfinal.pdf Salamanders of CT.pdf]<br>[http://ctamp.homestead.com/ctamphibians.html Amphibians of CT website]
| '''T''', May 8 ||CT salamanders <br><br>|| Albert E. Moss Sanctuary, adjacent to UConn campus  ||{{pdf|http://hydrodictyon.eeb.uconn.edu/courses/fieldherp/restricted/Paper%20for%20Field%20Herpetology%20Project.pdf}} Paper and Presentation Info<br> {{pdf|http://hydrodictyon.eeb.uconn.edu/courses/fieldherp/restricted/Project%20Ideas.pdf}} Project Ideas
| Jan 26 || Amphibian Skin and Water Relations || Ch. 6 ||||  
| '''W''', May 9<br> '''PM CLASS<br> 7-10PM''' ||CT frogs<br><br>|| Fenton River, UConn Forest  ||
| Jan 31 || Amphibian Excretion and Osmoregulation || Ch. 6 || Salamander Taxonomy; '''Video''': ''Amphibians'' ||
| '''TH''', May 10 ||CT turtles <br><br>|| Fenton River, UConn Forest  ||
| Feb 2 || ''Lecture Cancelled due to Snow'' || Ch. 6 ||||  
| '''F''', May 11 ||CT snakes<br><br>|| Fenton River, UConn Forest  ||{{pdf|http://hydrodictyon.eeb.uconn.edu/courses/fieldherp/restricted/EEB%203898%20%E2%80%93%20Field%20HerpetologyStudy%20Guide.pdf}} Exam 1 Study Guide
| <span style="font-size: small"><font color="#FF3300">''Feb 4'' </font></span>|| <span style="font-size: small"><font color="#FF3300">''Lecture Makeup''</font></span> - Reptile Water Relations || Ch. 6 |||| {{pdf|http://hydrodictyon.eeb.uconn.edu/courses/EEB2214/3465_5465%20Lecture%205%20Reptile%20Water%20Relations.pdf}} Lecture 5 Reptile Water Relations Lecture
| || || ||
| Feb 7 || Behavioral Thermoregulation in Reptiles || Ch. 6 || Frog Taxonomy || {{pdf|http://hydrodictyon.eeb.uconn.edu/courses/EEB2214/AnuraLab_Spring2011.pdf}}Anuran Lab<br>{{pdf|http://hydrodictyon.eeb.uconn.edu/courses/EEB2214/3465%3A5464%20anuran%20lab%20handout%20supplement_REVISED%20table.doc}} Anuran Taxonomy Lab Handout Supplement<br>{{pdf|http://hydrodictyon.eeb.uconn.edu/courses/EEB2214/Herpetology%20Glossary.pdf}}Herpetology Glossary
| '''M''', May 14<br> '''PM CLASS<br> 7-10PM''' || Review session 6-7PM<br>OPTIONAL<br>|| Fenton River, UConn Forest || 
| Feb 9 || Amphibian Thermoregulation and Freeze Tolerance || Ch. 6 ||||  
| '''T''', May 15 ||'''MIDTERM'''<br><br>|| ||
| Feb 14 || Physiological Temperature Adjustments || Ch. 6 || Frog Taxonomy; '''Video''': ''Cane Toads''||{{pdf|http://hydrodictyon.eeb.uconn.edu/courses/EEB2214/AmphibianQuiz2011.pdf}} Amphibian Practice Questions/Study Guide
| '''W''', May 16 || Conservation of Amphibians and Turtles *double lecture*<br><br>|| No field trip due to inclement weather  ||'''HOMEWORK'''<br>{{pdf|http://hydrodictyon.eeb.uconn.edu/courses/fieldherp/restricted/Brem%20et%20al.-%20Field-sampling%20protocal%20for%20Bd%20from%20living%20amphibians%2C%20using%20alcohol%20perserved%20swabs%20copy.pdf}}Brem et al.- Field-sampling protocol for Bd
| Feb 16 || Gas Transport and Metabolism in Amphibians || Ch. 7 ||||  
| '''TH''', May 17 || || Mansfield Hollow State Park ||
| <span style="font-size: small"><font color="#FF3300">''Feb 18'' </font></span>||  |||| <span style="font-size: small"><font color="#FF3300">''Open lab time to prepare for practical 1PM-4PM''</font></span> ||
| '''F''', May 18 ||  || Bigelow Hollow State Park ||
| <span style="font-size: small"><font color="#FF3300">''Feb 20'' </font></span>||  |||| <span style="font-size: small"><font color="#FF3300">''Open lab time to prepare for practical 12PM-4PM''</font></span> ||
| ||  || ||
| Feb 21 || Active Metabolism of Amphibians || Ch. 7 || Turtles and Crocodilians; Amphibian Review; '''Video''': ''Crocodiles & Alligators, Turtles''<br> '''Heretology Jeopardy (Herpardy) ||{{pdf|http://hydrodictyon.eeb.uconn.edu/courses/EEB2214/Crocodilians_Turtles_Spring2011.pdf}}Crocodilians/Turtles Lab<br>{{pdf|http://hydrodictyon.eeb.uconn.edu/courses/EEB2214/Turtle%20Review%20Questions11.pdf}} Turtle Review Questions<br>
| '''M''', May 21<br> '''PM CLASS<br> 7-10PM''' |||| Fenton River, UConn Forest ||
{{pdf|http://hydrodictyon.eeb.uconn.edu/courses/EEB2214/Reptile%20Definitions.pdf}}Reptile Definitions
| <span style="font-size: small"><font color="#FF3300">''Feb 23'' </font></span>|| Respiration and Circulation in Reptiles || Ch. 7 ||<span style="font-size: small"><font color="#FF3300">''Open lab time to prepare for practical 6PM-9PM''</font></span>||{{pdf|http://hydrodictyon.eeb.uconn.edu/courses/EEB2214/HerpetologyLecture_23Feb2011_HANDOUT.pdf}}Respiration and Circulation in Reptiles Lecture Slides
| '''T''', May 22 ||Amphibian Mating Systems|| Movie Day ||
| <span style="font-size: small"><font color="#FF3300">''Feb 25'' </font></span>|| |||| <span style="font-size: small"><font color="#FF3300">''Open lab time to prepare for practical 1PM-4PM''</font></span> ||
| '''W''', May 23 ||Reptile Mating Systems<br>|| Mansfield Hollow State Park<br>Turtle nesting at Knowlton Pond ||{{pdf|http://hydrodictyon.eeb.uconn.edu/courses/fieldherp/restricted/EEB%203898%20%E2%80%93%20Field%20HerpetologyStudy%20Guide2_FINAL.pdf}}Exam 2 Study Guide
| <span style="font-size: small"><font color="#FF3300">''Feb 27'' </font></span>||  ||  || <span style="font-size: small"><font color="#FF3300">''Open lab time to prepare for practical 11AM - 7PM''</font></span> ||  
| '''TH''', May 24 ||'''PRESENTATIONS and FIELD NOTEBOOKS and PAPERS DUE'''; review<br><br>|| ||
| <span style="font-size: small"><font color="#FF3300">'''Feb 28''' </font></span>|| Reptile Metabolism, Energetics, and Diet || Ch. 7 || <span style="font-size: small"><font color="#FF3300">'''FIRST LAB PRACTICAL (Amphibians)'''</font></span> ||  
| Mar 2 || Energy Budgets and Energy Allocation || Ch. 7 |||| {{pdf|http://hydrodictyon.eeb.uconn.edu/courses/EEB2214/restricted/Wells2001.pdf}} Wells 2001 Calling Energetics in Anurans<br>
| '''F''', May 25 ||'''FINAL'''<br><br>|| ||  
[*changes to our field trip itinerary may be made pending weather, etc.]<br><br>
| Mar 7 || SPRING BREAK || ----------|| SPRING BREAK ||
==Pictures from Field Trips==
| Mar 9 || SPRING BREAK || ----------||||
[http://hydrodictyon.eeb.uconn.edu/eebedia/index.php/Field_Herpetology_Photos#WALL_OF_FAME '''Click here''']<br><br>
| Mar 14 || Amphibian Reproductive Modes || Ch. 8 || Lizard Taxonomy || {{pdf|http://hydrodictyon.eeb.uconn.edu/courses/EEB2214/LizardLab_Spring2011.pdf}} Lizard Lab<br>{{pdf|http://hydrodictyon.eeb.uconn.edu/courses/EEB2214/Useful%20Information%20to%20Learn%20for%20LIZARD%20LAB.pdf}} Lizard Study Guide<br>{{pdf|http://hydrodictyon.eeb.uconn.edu/courses/EEB2214/Lizards%20Study%20Guide11.pdf}}Lizard Review Questions
==Herps in the News==
[[Image:DSC06306.JPG|right|Crotalus horridus Photo by E. K. Timpe]]
| Mar 16 || ''Lecture Cancelled'' - Biology of Amphibian Larvae || Ch. 8, 11 ||||{{pdf|http://hydrodictyon.eeb.uconn.edu/courses/EEB2214/465%20lecture%2015%20biology%20of%20amphibian%20larvae.doc}} Lecture 15 Biol. of Amphibian Larvae Lecture
| <span style="font-size: small"><font color="#FF3300">''Mar 17'' </font></span>||  ||  || <span style="font-size: small"><font color="#FF3300">''Open lab 1PM - 5PM''</font></span> ||
| <span style="font-size: small"><font color="#FF3300">''Mar 20'' </font></span>||  ||  || <span style="font-size: small"><font color="#FF3300">''Open lab 1PM - 5PM''</font></span> ||
| Mar 21 || Ecological Aspects of Amphibian Metamorphosis || Ch. 8 || Lizard Taxonomy; '''Video''': ''Lizards'' ||
|| Mar 23 || Reptile Eggs and the Evolution of Viviparity || Ch. 9 || <span style="font-size: small"><font color="#FF3300">''Open lab 4PM - 7:30PM''</font></span>||
| <span style="font-size: small"><font color="#FF3300">''Mar 27'' </font></span>|| |||| <span style="font-size: small"><font color="#FF3300">''Open lab 11AM - 4PM''</font></span>||
| Mar 28 || Reptile Life History Strategies || Ch. 9 || Snake Taxonomy || {{pdf|http://hydrodictyon.eeb.uconn.edu/courses/EEB2214/Snakes_Spring2011.pdf}}Snake Lab<br>{{pdf|http://hydrodictyon.eeb.uconn.edu/courses/EEB2214/SnakePracticeQuestions.pdf}}Snake Practice Questions<br>[http://www.ct.gov/dep/lib/dep/wildlife/pdf_files/nongame/snkwebview.pdf Snakes of Connecticut]
| Mar 30 || Communication and Mating Systems of Salamanders || Ch. 13, 14 ||||
| <span style="font-size: small"><font color="#FF3300">''Mar 31'' </font></span>|| |||| <span style="font-size: small"><font color="#FF3300">''Open lab 5PM - 9PM''</font></span>||
| Apr 4 || Frog Vocal Communication: Behavioral Aspects || Ch. 13 || Snake Taxonomy; Evolution of Snake Dentition ||{{pdf|http://hydrodictyon.eeb.uconn.edu/courses/EEB2214/restricted/WellsandSchwartz2007.pdf}} Wells and Schwartz 2007 Anuran Communication
| Apr 6 ||  Frog Vocal Communication: Call Production and Reception || Ch. 13 || <span style="font-size: small"><font color="#FF3300">''Open lab 5PM - 9PM''</font></span>||
| <span style="font-size: small"><font color="#FF3300">'''Apr 7''' </font></span>|| |||| <span style="font-size: small"><font color="#FF3300">'''FIELD TRIP - Meet at TLS at 7:30 PM. Bring headlamp if you have one.'''</font></span>||
| <span style="font-size: small"><font color="#FF3300">''Apr 8'' </font></span>|| |||| <span style="font-size: small"><font color="#FF3300">''Open lab 1PM - 5PM''</font></span>||
| <span style="font-size: small"><font color="#FF3300">''Apr 9'' </font></span>|| |||| <span style="font-size: small"><font color="#FF3300">''Open lab 1PM - 5PM''</font></span>||
| Apr 11 || Mating Systems and Sexual Selection in Anurans || Ch. 14 || '''Video''': ''Snakes''; Reptile Review; '''Herpardy'''<br><span style="font-size: small"><font color="#FF3300">'''FIELD TRIP - Meet at TLS at 7:30 PM.</font></span> ||{{pdf|http://hydrodictyon.eeb.uconn.edu/courses/EEB2214/ReptileReviewSpring2011.pdf}}Reptile Review Questions (multichoice)<br>{{pdf|http://hydrodictyon.eeb.uconn.edu/courses/EEB2214/HERPardy%20Spring%202011_B.pdf}} Reptile HERPardy
| <span style="font-size: small"><font color="#FF3300">''Apr 12'' </font></span>|| |||| <span style="font-size: small"><font color="#FF3300">''Open lab 5PM - 9PM''</font></span>||
| Apr 13 || Modes of Communication in Squamate Reptiles || Ch. 13 ||<span style="font-size: small"><font color="#FF3300">''Open lab 5PM - 9PM''</font></span>||
| <span style="font-size: small"><font color="#FF3300">''Apr 14'' </font></span>|| |||| <span style="font-size: small"><font color="#FF3300">''Open lab 5PM - 9PM''</font></span>||
| <span style="font-size: small"><font color="#FF3300">''Apr 15'' </font></span>|| |||| <span style="font-size: small"><font color="#FF3300">''Open lab 1PM - 5PM''</font></span>||
| <span style="font-size: small"><font color="#FF3300">''Apr 16'' </font></span>|| |||| <span style="font-size: small"><font color="#FF3300">''Open lab 12PM - 6PM''</font></span>||
| <span style="font-size: small"><font color="#FF3300">''Apr 17'' </font></span>|| |||| <span style="font-size: small"><font color="#FF3300">''Open lab 10AM - 8PM''</font></span>||
| <span style="font-size: small"><font color="#FF3300">'''Apr 18''' </font></span>|| Mating Systems and Sexual Selection in Squamates || Ch. 14 || <span style="font-size: small"><font color="#FF3300">'''SECOND LAB PRACTICAL (Reptiles)'''</font></span>||
| Apr 20 || Social Behavior and Communication in other Reptiles || Ch. 13, 14 ||||
| Apr 25 || Ecology of Terrestrial Amphibian and Reptile Communities || Ch. 15, 16 || <span style="font-size: small"><font color="#FF3300">'''Field Trip (Yale Forest)''' <br> ''woot woot''</font></span> ||
| Apr 27 || Competition and Predation in Aquatic Amphibian Communities || Ch. 15, 16 ||||
| Apr 28 ||  ||  ||<span style="font-size: small"><font color="#FF3300">'''FIELD TRIP - Meet at TLS at 8 PM.'''</font></span>||
|<span style="font-size: small"><font color="#FF3300">'''May 4 '''</font></span>||<span style="font-size: small"><font color="#FF3300">'''FINAL EXAM, , 10:30-12:30'''</font></span> || ---------- ||||
|- ||
==Additional Resources==
==Additional Resources==
'''UConn Herpetology Society''':<br>
[[Image:DSC067001.jpg|right|Rana palustris Photo by E. K. Timpe]]
The formation of a UConn herpetology club is in the works for Fall 2011! If interested in becoming a member, please contact [mailto:danielle.m.freeman@uconn.edu Danielle Freeman]<br><br>
[[Image:DSC06757.JPG|right|Sternotherus odoratus Photo by E. K. Timpe]]
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[http://www.ct.gov/dep/lib/dep/wildlife/pdf_files/nongame/snkwebview.pdf Snakes of CT]<br>
[http://www.peabody.yale.edu/collections/vz/her_guide.html Online Guide to Reptiles and Amphibians of CT]<br>
[http://www.peabody.yale.edu/collections/vz/her_guide.html Online Guide to Reptiles and Amphibians of CT]<br>
[http://www.ct.gov/dep/cwp/view.asp?A=2723&Q=325856 Reptiles and Amphibians of CT]<br>
[http://www.ct.gov/dep/cwp/view.asp?A=2723&Q=325856 Reptiles and Amphibians of CT]<br>
Line 254: Line 180:
[http://www.herpetologistsleague.org/en/index.php The Herpetologists' League]<br>
[http://www.herpetologistsleague.org/en/index.php The Herpetologists' League]<br>
[http://www.cnah.org/ The Center for North American Herpetology]<br>
[http://www.cnah.org/ The Center for North American Herpetology]<br>
[http://www.parcplace.org/ Partners in Amphibian and Reptile Conservation]<br>
[http://www.pwrc.usgs.gov/neparc/ New England Partners in Amphibian and Reptile Conservation]<br>
[http://emys.geo.orst.edu/ EMYSystem Online Turtle Resource]<br>
[http://emys.geo.orst.edu/ EMYSystem Online Turtle Resource]<br>
[http://www.herpnet.org/ HerpNET]<br>
[http://www.herpnet.org/ HerpNET]<br>
[http://www.enature.com/home/ eNature Online Field Guides]<br><br>
[http://www.enature.com/home/ eNature Online Field Guides]<br>
==Herps in the News==
[http://turtleconservationproject.org/ Turtle Conservation Project - New England]<br>
[http://www.parcplace.org/ Partners in Amphibian and Reptile Conservation]<br>
[http://www.pwrc.usgs.gov/neparc/ New England Partners in Amphibian and Reptile Conservation]<br>
[http://www.conserveturtles.org/ Sea Turtle Conservancy]<br>
[http://www.turtleconservationfund.org/ Turtle Conservation Fund]<br>
[http://www.frogs.org/ Amphibian Conservation Alliance]<br>
[http://iucn.org/?7054/The-25-Most-Endangered-Turtles-and-Tortoises Most Threatened Turtles and Tortoises]<br><br>
[[Image:DSC04582_1.jpg|right|Photo by E. K. Timpe]]
Apr 21, 2011: [http://blogs.discovermagazine.com/notrocketscience/2011/04/19/kukrisnakes-fight-for-turtle-nests-with-dagger-teeth-forked-penises-and-false-heads/ Snake Cagematch]<br>
Apr 12, 2011: [http://www.wired.com/wiredscience/2011/04/symbiotic-salamander/ Symbiotic Salamander] <br>
Mar 29, 2011: [http://www.scientificamerican.com/article.cfm?id=catania-tentacled-snake-captures-prey How a Tentacled Snake (''Erpeton tentaculatum'') Eats]<br>
Mar 25, 2011: [http://ngm.nationalgeographic.com/2011/04/snow-frogs/ruoso-photography Indomitable Snow Frogs]<br>
Feb 27, 2011: [http://articles.sfgate.com/2011-02-22/bay-area/28617558_1_lyme-disease-ticks-borrelia Lizards and Lyme Disease]<br>
Feb 27, 2011: [http://middletownpress.com/articles/2011/02/23/news/doc4d65660fa0948013442153.txt CT's Endangered Turtles]<br>
Feb 27, 2011: [http://www.scientificamerican.com/blog/post.cfm?id=turtles-in-trouble-new-report-ident-2011-02-25 25 Most Endangered Turtles]<br>
Feb 27, 2011: [http://www.wired.com/wiredscience/2011/02/turtle-navigation/ Sea Turtle Navigation]<br>
Feb 21, 2011: [http://news.bbc.co.uk/earth/hi/earth_news/newsid_9398000/9398679.stm Short-lived Chameleons]<br>
Feb 19, 2011: [http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2011/02/pictures/110217-extinct-frogs-species-science-amphibians-lost/?source=link_fb20110219extinctspeciesfound Rediscovered Frogs]<br>
Feb 14, 2011: [http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-12393387 How snakes get legless THANKS BILL!!]<br>
Feb 10, 2011: [http://www.mnn.com/earth-matters/animals/stories/salamander-is-worlds-first-photosynthetic-vertebrate Spotted Salamander, Photosynthetic?]<br>
Jan 31, 2011: [http://news.bbc.co.uk/earth/hi/earth_news/newsid_9365000/9365076.stm Frogs Re-evolved Lost Lower Teeth]<br>
Jan 26, 2011: [http://abcnews.go.com/Technology/afraid-snakes-scientists-explain/story?id=12759901 Phobia of Snakes Explained]<br>
Jan 17, 2011: [http://www.laboratoryequipment.com/News-salamder-eggs-turn-off-cancer-011711.aspx?xmlmenuid=51 Salamander Eggs Turn off Cancer]<br>
Jan 14, 2011: [http://www.northbaybusinessjournal.com/28659/regulators-make-nearly-one-third-cut-proposed-salamander-habitat/ Reduced Cali Tiger Salamander Habitat]<br>
Jan 14, 2011: [http://online.wsj.com/article/AP1ce73f991d444022b0b4c0e1b1be8351.html NY Zoo works to save the hellbender]<br> 
Jan 12, 2011: [http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/01/12/lost-frogs-haiti_n_807948.html#222748 Haiti's Lost Frogs]<br>
[[Category:EEB Courses]]
[[Category:EEB Courses]]

Revision as of 22:24, 23 May 2012

Hyla versicolor Photo by E. K. Timpe

EEB 3898 Field Herpetology
Intensive Summer Session I, 2012
Course Duration: May 7th - May 25th, 2012
Meeting Time: Monday through Friday, 9:00 - 12:00 in TLS181
depending on weather conditions some classes will be held at night 7-10 PM instead, allowing us to observe nocturnal amphibians


Eurycea bislineata Photo by E. K. Timpe

Elizabeth Timpe
Email: elizabeth.timpe@uconn.edu
Office: Biology/Pharmacy 318
Phone: (860) 486-6215
Office hours: by appointment, often right after class

Course Description and Objectives

Heterodon platyrhinos Photo by E. K. Timpe
Pseudacris crucifer Photo by E. K. Timpe

Course Description:
Herpetology is the scientific study of the amphibians and reptiles. In this course, we will examine the diversity of both groups, and learn about their basic biology (e.g., their physiology, ecology, behavior, reproductive biology, and conservation). Specifically, goals of this course are to familiarize the student with the identification, natural history, and conservation of Connecticut's amphibians and reptiles through direct field experience (e.g., active searches, turtle trapping, artificial cover objects, night-time road searches, and radio tracking). There will be various opportunities to observe these animals in the field during the day and at night. Students will leave the course with a good background in herpetology, and with a sound understanding of the diversity and distribution of amphibians and reptiles worldwide, with particular emphasis on Connecticut herpetofauna.

Course Objectives:
After completing this course the student should be able to:

  • identify Connecticut’s amphibians and reptiles by sight, and in the case of frogs by sound as well
  • effectively use standard field techniques and methods for studying herpetofauna (e.g., field note taking, dip netting, radio telemetry, designing sampling arrays, etc.)
  • apply with proficiency the scientific method to assess questions and design a project pertaining to herpetofaunal biology and conservation

Course Procedures and Policies

Each class will be comprised of a mini lecture (30-45 minutes), followed by a trip to a local field site. The lecture portion of this course will deal with various aspects of the biology of amphibians and reptiles, including physiological ecology, communication, social behavior, reproduction, parental care, and community ecology. The field trips will focus on the identification of Connecticut amphibians and reptiles, in addition to the demonstration and use of standard herpetological surveying and collecting techniques. There will be some evening field trips to see breeding of local amphibians and daytime field trips to see other species. Students are expected to attend the field trips.

Grades will be determined as follows:

  • Midterm: 100 pts
  • Final: 100 pts
  • Paper on individual project: 50 pts
  • Presentation on individual project: 50 pts
  • Field notebook entries: 75 pts
  • Participation: 25 pts
  • TOTAL: 400 pts

Due to the accelerated and intensive nature of this summer course (3 hours, 5 days a week, 3 weeks), attendance is fully expected barring any illnesses or emergency. Missing a single class is roughly the equivalent of missing an entire week of a course during a standard semester, so it is very important that you attend every class.

Academic Integrity:
Plagiarism and cheating are violations of the student conduct code, and may be punished by failure in the course or, in severe cases, dismissal from the University. For more information, see Appendix A of the Student Conduct Code.

If you have a disability for which you may be requesting an accommodation, you should contact a course instructor and the Center for Students with Disabilities (Wilbur Cross Building, Room 201) within the first two weeks of the semester.

Course Materials

Desmognathus fuscus Photo by E. K. Timpe


  • A Field Guide to Reptiles and Amphibians of Eastern and Central North America 4th edition; R. Conant and J. Collins ISBN-10: 0395904528
  • Bound field notebook (composition book is fine and cheap)
  • Old/junky footwear and clothes


  • Rubber boots
  • Pair of waders (will be available if you don’t have a pair)
  • Headlamp (will be available)
  • Insect repellent and sunscreen

Course Resources

Exam Materials
Pdficon small.gifExam 1 Study Guide
Pdficon small.gifExam 2 Study Guide

Project Materials
Pdficon small.gif Paper and Presentation Info
Pdficon small.gif Project Ideas


Opheodrys vernalis Photo by E. K. Timpe
Gyrinophilus porphyriticus Photo by E. K. Timpe
Date Mini-Lecture Topic Field Agenda* Materials
M, May 7 Introduction; standard field techniques

H.E.E.P. Trail, UConn campus Pdficon small.gifSyllabus
Pdficon small.gifCT Herp Checklist
T, May 8 CT salamanders

Albert E. Moss Sanctuary, adjacent to UConn campus Pdficon small.gif Paper and Presentation Info
Pdficon small.gif Project Ideas
W, May 9
CT frogs

Fenton River, UConn Forest
TH, May 10 CT turtles

Fenton River, UConn Forest
F, May 11 CT snakes

Fenton River, UConn Forest Pdficon small.gif Exam 1 Study Guide
M, May 14
Review session 6-7PM
Fenton River, UConn Forest

W, May 16 Conservation of Amphibians and Turtles *double lecture*

No field trip due to inclement weather HOMEWORK
Pdficon small.gifBrem et al.- Field-sampling protocol for Bd
TH, May 17 Mansfield Hollow State Park
F, May 18 Bigelow Hollow State Park
M, May 21
Fenton River, UConn Forest
T, May 22 Amphibian Mating Systems Movie Day
W, May 23 Reptile Mating Systems
Mansfield Hollow State Park
Turtle nesting at Knowlton Pond
Pdficon small.gifExam 2 Study Guide

F, May 25 FINAL

[*changes to our field trip itinerary may be made pending weather, etc.]

Pictures from Field Trips

Click here

Herps in the News

Crotalus horridus Photo by E. K. Timpe

Additional Resources

Rana palustris Photo by E. K. Timpe
Sternotherus odoratus Photo by E. K. Timpe



Snakes of CT
Online Guide to Reptiles and Amphibians of CT
Reptiles and Amphibians of CT
New England Herpetological Society

Video about Amphibian Extinction
AMNH's Amphibian Species of the World
Amphibian Portal from USGS-NBII
Deban Lab Amphibian Feeding

General Herpetology
Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles
American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists
The Herpetologists' League
The Center for North American Herpetology
EMYSystem Online Turtle Resource
eNature Online Field Guides

Turtle Conservation Project - New England
Partners in Amphibian and Reptile Conservation
New England Partners in Amphibian and Reptile Conservation
Sea Turtle Conservancy
Turtle Conservation Fund
Amphibian Conservation Alliance
Most Threatened Turtles and Tortoises