Evolutionary Biology Spring 2012

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EEB 2245
Evolutionary Biology
Meeting Time: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 9:30-10:45 in TLS154
Textbook: Futuyma, D.J. 2009. Evolution. 2nd ed. Sinauer Associates, Inc. (ISBN 978-0-87893-223-8)


Dr. Janine N. Caira
Office: TLS 483
Phone: 486-4060
E-mail: janine.caira@uconn.edu
Office hours: By arrangement

Dr. Charles Henry
Office: TLS 479/481
Phone: 486-4450
Email: charles.henry@uconn.edu
Office hours: By arrangement

Teaching Assistants

Beth Timpe
Office: BioPharm 318
Phone: 486-6215
Email: elizabeth.timpe@uconn.edu
Students A-K
Office hours: By arrangement

Kathryn Rymsza
Office: Biopharm 405
Phone: 486-4027
Email: kathryn.rymsza@uconn.edu
Students L-Z
Office hours: By arrangement


EEB 2245: Your grade will be based on your performance in 4 lecture exams. Your lowest score on the first 3 exams will be dropped. Your 2 remaining scores and your score on the final exam will each constitute one third of your final grade. University regulations require that students who miss the final exam without an excuse from the Dean of Students receive an F for that exam. Thus, you are required to take the final exam and your score on that exam will count towards your grade.

Note: because you are allowed to drop your lowest score, we will not give make-up exams.

EEB 2245W: Your final grade in the lecture portion of the course will be calculated as above. If you are taking the W version of the course, that grade will constitute 75% of your final course grade. Your grade in the W part of the course, as determined by your “W” instructor, will constitute the remaining 25% of your final course grade, except that an F in the W part of the course will result in an F for the entire course. An F in the lecture part of the course will also result in an F for the entire course. Refer to the 2245W handout and website for further information. Dr. Elizabeth Jockusch (BioPharm 305B; tel: 486-4452; elizabeth.jockusch@uconn.edu) is the coordinator of the W part of the course.