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(EEB 5100 (Planning for a career in EEB) - FALL 2019)
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== EEB 5100 (Planning for a career in EEB) - FALL 2019 ==
This 1 credit seminar course is intended to provide orientation information to incoming EEB graduate students, although it is open to other students; we strongly advise new students to take it.  The course will meet for about an hour a week, with 2-3 faculty present each week to discuss a given topic. This is a new course and we seek input on what topics we should include.
This 1 credit seminar course is intended to provide orientation information to incoming EEB graduate students, although it is open to other students; we strongly advise new students to take it.  The course will meet for about 75 min, once a week, to discuss topics related to professional development with a rotating cast of faculty, grad. students, or other EEB-connected people.  
'''Meeting time:''' Tuesdays 3:45-5   
'''Meeting time:''' Tuesdays 3:45-5   
'''Location:''' TBD
'''Location:''' Bamford Room (Torrey 171B)
'''Course coordinators:''' [http://jockusch.eeb.uconn.edu Elizabeth Jockusch], [http://elphick.lab.uconn.edu/ Chris Elphick]
'''Course coordinators:''' [http://jockusch.eeb.uconn.edu Elizabeth Jockusch], [http://elphick.lab.uconn.edu/ Chris Elphick]
'''Grading:''' Officially, letter grades are assigned in this course; in our minds, it's graded on an S/U basis (but there are significant paperwork hurdles to doing that officially).  Regular attendance and participation constitutes satisfactory performance, for which students will earn an 'A'. 
Tentative syllabus (subject to change)
Tentative syllabus (subject to change)
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| Aug 26|| Elizabeth Jockusch and ..... || What do you aim to accomplish in grad school?   || Relate to strategies for different career paths
| Aug 27
|| [http://darwin.eeb.uconn.edu/holsinger.html Kent Holsinger]
|| What do you aim to accomplish in grad school (and beyond)?
[https://drive.google.com/open?id=1ohzrJpXEHcAXu-DHri9FONe53OD0Pv_Zr5wtGR02odY Kent's presentation]<br>
[https://drive.google.com/open?id=1c6xE6XjyuDtR4Uj_eLyEcMrWruiz-B_m EEB Alum Employment]<br>
[https://tableau.dsc.umich.edu/t/UM-Public/views/RackhamDoctoralProgramStatistics/ProgramStatistics?:embed=y&:showAppBanner=false&:showShareOptions=true&:display_count=no&:showVizHome=no&FOSDParameter=All+Rackham University of Michigan PhD outcomes website]<br>
[https://tableau.dsc.umich.edu/t/UM-Public/views/RackhamMastersProgramStatistics/ProgramStatistics?:embed=y&:showAppBanner=false&:showShareOptions=true&:display_count=no&:showVizHome=no&FOSDParameter=All+Rackham University of Michigan MS outcomes website]<br>
[https://www.insidehighered.com/advice Inside Higher Ed Career Advice]<br>
[https://versatilephd.com/ The Versatile PhD]<br>
[https://career.uconn.edu/graduate-students/ UConn Career Services for grads]<br>
| Sept 2||  || What is a dissertation/thesis ||  
| Sept 3
|| [http://plasticity.uconn.edu Carl Schlichting],<br> [http://jockusch.eeb.uconn.edu Elizabeth Jockusch]  
|| University/department structure and resources; Degree ontogenies
||[https://drive.google.com/open?id=1PTpgebWfxNaQi4Pl9XUREBlZF92Wsqno Carl and Elizabeth's presentation]
|| Homework: web site assignment will be distributed; send a link to your draft website to Chris in advance of class
| Sept 9|| || Formulating good scientific questions ||
| Sept 10
|| [http://elphick.lab.uconn.edu/ Chris Elphick]
|| Communicating your work: web sites
|| Homework: Identify, for next week's discussion, 3-5 characteristics of good scientific questions
| Sept 16|| Carl Schlichting and ... || University/department structure and resources; Degree ontogenies ||
| Sept 17
||[https://bolnicklab.wordpress.com/ Dan Bolnick],<br>[http://www.tapeworms.uconn.edu Janine Caira]<br>
|| Formulating good scientific questions
|| [https://drive.google.com/open?id=1GDOc8phqd1kAh-77flyUDdUlRdXgbVgg Janine and Dan's presentation]
|| Homework: identify, for next week's discussion, a person or activity that greatly influenced your learning
| Sept 23|| || Research ethics and compliance || NSF ethics training/IACUC/IRB/EH&S/BAUR/other lab safety/etc
| Sept 24
|| [http://hydrodictyon.eeb.uconn.edu/eebedia/index.php/Kurt_Schwenk Kurt Schwenk],<br>[http://hydrodictyon.eeb.uconn.edu/eebedia/index.php/Annette_Evans Annette Evans]
||  Developing as a teacher
|| [http://gcci.uconn.edu/ Graduate Certificate in College Instruction]<br>
[http://www.educationplanner.org/students/self-assessments/learning-styles-quiz.shtml Learning style quiz]<br>
[https://drive.google.com/open?id=1l4eoSeqI-AKs7sWpyVtfc0MLMJnW5vQ7 Annette's presentation on teaching]<br>
[https://drive.google.com/open?id=1ICaN9WU7uH6ZDPM4_nOEHpi7jAjshgmb Kurt's teaching tips]<br>
[https://drive.google.com/open?id=1Tu0Z_xYbVIcqabFdoF0BO3jLQBrU3Xhs Evidence-based teaching/learning practices]<br>
|| Homework: Identify, for next week's discussion, 3-5 qualities that you look for in a mentor
| Sept 30 || || How does research funding work || need to address both NSF/NIH and other agency/foundation sources
| Oct 1
|| [http://hydrodictyon.eeb.uconn.edu/projects/cicada/simon_lab/member_pages/c_simon.php Chris Simon]<br>
[https://elizagrames.github.io/ Eliza Grames]<br>
|| Mentoring
||[https://www.nature.com/naturejobs/science/articles/10.1038/nj7331-570a Managing your advisor]<br>
[https://dynamicecology.wordpress.com/2017/01/09/mentoring-plans-a-really-useful-tool-for-pis-and-their-lab-members/ Mentoring plans]<br>
[https://www.nature.com/naturejobs/science/articles/10.1038/nj7537-127a Why mentor undergraduates?] (skim)<br>
[http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v447/n7146/full/447791a.html?foxtrotcallback=true Good mentoring] (optional)<br>
[https://drive.google.com/open?id=1omFzfysIIFVu6pfvloWUQLgmgjUi70Vd Mentoring whiteboard]<br>
|| Homework: track the hours you spend on work this week (for discussion next week)
| Oct 7 || || How to fund your graduate work || maybe a panel of grads??
| Oct 8
|| [http://compgenomics.lab.uconn.edu/ Jill Wegrzyn],<br>[http://hydrodictyon.eeb.uconn.edu/people/urban/ Mark Urban]<br>
|| Work-life balance
||[https://drive.google.com/open?id=1L91SBSFrXCbU59sX7QgUZNNBvcgP0MFE Jill and Mark's presentation]<br>
[https://www.thetroutlook.com/latest-updates/work-life-balance-a-grad-students-perspective Grad perspective on balance]<br>
[https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-018-07511-w Achieving balance with kids]<br>
|| Homework: come up with three questions for next week's grad. panel - email to Elizabeth, before Monday morning
| Oct 14|| || Communicating your work: how does publishing work || need faculty who have been editors
| Oct 15
|| [https://andrewstillman.weebly.com/ Andrew Stillman], [http://www.rebeccacolby.com Becca Colby]<br>[https://joneslab.uconn.edu/person/henry-frye/ Henry Frye]
|| Grad panel: TAing, research & anything else you want to talk about!
|| Homework: Conduct a Pivot search ([https://guides.lib.uconn.edu/grants/Pivot click here]) related to your research or internship interests; identify at least 3 grant programs (excluding NSF) where you can apply for funding
| Oct 22
|| [https://www.linkedin.com/in/drjeffseemann Jeff Seeman]<br>
[https://vmilici.weebly.com Val Milici]
|| How does research funding work
|| Homework: come up with three questions for next week's alumni panel - email to Chris, before Monday morning
| Oct 21|| || Communicating your work: talks, conferences, and networking||
| Oct 29
|| [http://www.ddcf.org/about-us/staff--advisory-councils/environment-program/sacha-spector/ Sacha Spector],<br>
Erin King,<br>
[http://www.skogenlab.org/ Krissa Skogen]<br>
|| Alumni panel: Careers outside academia
|| Homework: Identify at least 1 annual conference specific to your discipline
| Oct 28|| || Communicating your work: web sites & social media || students should leave with an eebedia or Aurora page set up
| Nov 5
|| [https://joneslab.uconn.edu Cindi Jones] <br> [https://austinrspence.wixsite.com/hummingbirder Austin Spence]
|| Conferences, professional societies and networking
|| [http://hydrodictyon.eeb.uconn.edu/eebedia/images/d/dc/Diggle_Societies_2013.pdf Diggle 2013] (watch the video [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ijDoNm19OvQ here]) 
|| Homework: do all of the following
*Identify an ethical dilemma you have faced during work/school that you are comfortable sharing with the class
*Read [https://policy.uconn.edu/2011/05/17/employee-code-of-conduct/ UConn's code of conduct], especially the Research Principles section
*Look up the code of conduct for one professional society, meeting or academic institution of your choice
| Nov 4||  || Broader impacts and communication outside academia ||
| Nov 12
||[http://hydrodictyon.eeb.uconn.edu/eebwww/people/pamela-diggle/ Pam Diggle], <br>[https://www.caryinstitute.org/science-program/our-scientists/dr-gene-e-likens Gene Likens ]  
|| Research ethics and regulations
||[https://ovpr.uconn.edu/services/rics/responsible-conduct-of-research/ UConn RCR training]<br>
[https://science.sciencemag.org/content/366/6461/20?utm_campaign=toc_sci-mag_2019-10-03&et_rid=34817607&et_cid=3015177 Misconduct example]<br>
{{pdf|https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-wU9Sg5MrvhT3hRRDM5aVJweGs/view}}Pam on research ethics<br>
Optional additional readings:<br>
[https://policy.uconn.edu/2011/05/17/employee-code-of-conduct/# UConn's code of conduct]-see especially Research section<br>
[http://ezproxy.lib.uconn.edu/login?url=https://doi.org/10.1126/science.313.5791.1222 Another misconduct example]<br>
Nature Editorial on [http://ezproxy.lib.uconn.edu/login?url=http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v466/n7305/full/466438a.html research misconduct]<br>
Biological Conservation Editorial on [http://ezproxy.lib.uconn.edu/login?url=http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0006320714002304 coauthorship]<br>
||Identify at least 3 journals relevant to your discipline; look up the impact factor and read the instructions to authors for each of the journals.
| Nov 19
|| [http://bagchi.eeb.uconn.edu/ Robi Bagchi],<br>[https://www.knutielab.com Sarah Knutie]
|| Communicating your work: publishing
|| Homework: Identify a piece of science outreach that has influenced you in some way
| Nov 11 ||  || Developing as a teacher|| (also discuss how TA assignments work)
| Nov 26
| Nov 18||  || Work-life balance ||
| Dec 3
|| [http://rubegalab.uconn.edu Margaret Rubega],<br> [http://hydrodictyon.eeb.uconn.edu/people/dwagner/ Dave Wagner]
| Nov 25 || || THANKSGIVING BREAK  ||  ||
|| Broader impacts, social media, and communication outside academia
| Dec 2|| Senior grads/postdocs  || What I wish I’d known earlier/done differently || Panel discussion
|  || || ||  
'''Useful readings:'''
Some modest advice for graduate students: Steve Stearns and Ray Huey<br>
The full exchange is on Ray Huey's page: http://faculty.washington.edu/hueyrb/prospective.php
Stephen Stearns's later reflections: http://stearnslab.yale.edu/designs-learning
[http://ezproxy.lib.uconn.edu/login?url=http://www.nature.com/news/there-is-life-after-academia-1.15808 Nature editorial on life outside of academia]<br>
[http://ezproxy.lib.uconn.edu/login?url=http://www.nature.com/news/life-outside-the-lab-the-ones-who-got-away-1.15802 Nature perspective on choosing alternative careers]
[http://chronicle.com/article/Welcome-to-Graduate-School/148775?cid=megamenu Advice for new graduate students]
[http://www.sciencemag.org/careers/outreach Advice on a range of topics from Science magazine]<br>
[[Category:EEB Seminars]]
[[Category:EEB Seminars]]

Revision as of 15:11, 12 November 2019

EEB 5100 (Planning for a career in EEB) - FALL 2019

This 1 credit seminar course is intended to provide orientation information to incoming EEB graduate students, although it is open to other students; we strongly advise new students to take it. The course will meet for about 75 min, once a week, to discuss topics related to professional development with a rotating cast of faculty, grad. students, or other EEB-connected people.

Meeting time: Tuesdays 3:45-5

Location: Bamford Room (Torrey 171B)

Course coordinators: Elizabeth Jockusch, Chris Elphick

Grading: Officially, letter grades are assigned in this course; in our minds, it's graded on an S/U basis (but there are significant paperwork hurdles to doing that officially). Regular attendance and participation constitutes satisfactory performance, for which students will earn an 'A'.

Tentative syllabus (subject to change)

Date Presenters Topic Resources Notes
Aug 27 Kent Holsinger What do you aim to accomplish in grad school (and beyond)?

Kent's presentation
EEB Alum Employment
University of Michigan PhD outcomes website
University of Michigan MS outcomes website
Inside Higher Ed Career Advice
The Versatile PhD
UConn Career Services for grads

Sept 3 Carl Schlichting,
Elizabeth Jockusch
University/department structure and resources; Degree ontogenies Carl and Elizabeth's presentation Homework: web site assignment will be distributed; send a link to your draft website to Chris in advance of class
Sept 10 Chris Elphick Communicating your work: web sites Homework: Identify, for next week's discussion, 3-5 characteristics of good scientific questions
Sept 17 Dan Bolnick,
Janine Caira
Formulating good scientific questions Janine and Dan's presentation Homework: identify, for next week's discussion, a person or activity that greatly influenced your learning
Sept 24 Kurt Schwenk,
Annette Evans
Developing as a teacher Graduate Certificate in College Instruction

Learning style quiz
Annette's presentation on teaching
Kurt's teaching tips
Evidence-based teaching/learning practices

Homework: Identify, for next week's discussion, 3-5 qualities that you look for in a mentor
Oct 1 Chris Simon

Eliza Grames

Mentoring Managing your advisor

Mentoring plans
Why mentor undergraduates? (skim)
Good mentoring (optional)
Mentoring whiteboard

Homework: track the hours you spend on work this week (for discussion next week)
Oct 8 Jill Wegrzyn,
Mark Urban
Work-life balance Jill and Mark's presentation

Grad perspective on balance
Achieving balance with kids

Homework: come up with three questions for next week's grad. panel - email to Elizabeth, before Monday morning
Oct 15 Andrew Stillman, Becca Colby
Henry Frye
Grad panel: TAing, research & anything else you want to talk about! Homework: Conduct a Pivot search (click here) related to your research or internship interests; identify at least 3 grant programs (excluding NSF) where you can apply for funding
Oct 22 Jeff Seeman

Val Milici

How does research funding work Homework: come up with three questions for next week's alumni panel - email to Chris, before Monday morning
Oct 29 Sacha Spector,

Erin King,
Krissa Skogen

Alumni panel: Careers outside academia Homework: Identify at least 1 annual conference specific to your discipline
Nov 5 Cindi Jones
Austin Spence
Conferences, professional societies and networking Diggle 2013 (watch the video here) Homework: do all of the following
  • Identify an ethical dilemma you have faced during work/school that you are comfortable sharing with the class
  • Read UConn's code of conduct, especially the Research Principles section
  • Look up the code of conduct for one professional society, meeting or academic institution of your choice
Nov 12 Pam Diggle,
Gene Likens
Research ethics and regulations UConn RCR training

Misconduct example
Pdficon small.gifPam on research ethics

Optional additional readings:
UConn's code of conduct-see especially Research section
Another misconduct example
Nature Editorial on research misconduct
Biological Conservation Editorial on coauthorship

Identify at least 3 journals relevant to your discipline; look up the impact factor and read the instructions to authors for each of the journals.
Nov 19 Robi Bagchi,
Sarah Knutie
Communicating your work: publishing Homework: Identify a piece of science outreach that has influenced you in some way
Dec 3 Margaret Rubega,
Dave Wagner
Broader impacts, social media, and communication outside academia

Useful readings: Some modest advice for graduate students: Steve Stearns and Ray Huey
The full exchange is on Ray Huey's page: http://faculty.washington.edu/hueyrb/prospective.php

Stephen Stearns's later reflections: http://stearnslab.yale.edu/designs-learning

Nature editorial on life outside of academia
Nature perspective on choosing alternative careers

Advice for new graduate students

Advice on a range of topics from Science magazine