Bird lab meetings

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EEB 5895 (was 396): Invest Sp Topics

This page lists weekly meetings of the Rubega/Elphick labs. Students (grads and undergrads) who are doing research in our labs and who are able to attend on a regular basis should sign up for 1 credit to participate in this class. Grad students are expected to present twice a semester, with at least one presentation an update of some part of your research (the other can be on whatever is helpful to you with your research - a paper from the literature, stats questions, talk practice, etc., etc.). Undergraduates should expect to present something on their research once a semester. If you need a permission number, please contact Margaret or Chris (depending on who your adviser is).

Meeting time: Tuesdays 10:30-12

Location: BioPharmacy 3rd floor fish bowl (PBB 303)

If you have other ideas for things worth discussion (especially relating to professional development, please talk to Margaret or Chris). Past topics that we have discussed include: how to put together a CV for grad schools/job applications, ethics in research, how to write proposals, the mechanics of managing research funds, etc., etc.

Graduate students can sign up to present by logging in to EEBedia and just editing this page. Undergraduates should talk to Margaret or Chris.

If there is a published paper to read, please put in a link to it. Note, that the actual papers probably will not be accessible unless you are on a computer connected to the UConn network (you can connect from any computer using uconn vpn and your netID).

If the date you want is already taken and it says in the notes that it is OK to switch to another date, go ahead and do so (but don't switch someone to a date when they say they will not be there .. and double-check with them that the switch is OK).

Week of: Who Topic Notes
2nd Sep You What I did over the summer ... 5-10 min updates from everyone
9th Sep Kevin Burgio Monk Parakeet Project Read this MP PVA paper
16th Sep Diego Shrike prospectus
23rd Sep Chris Publishing in ecology & evolution MR gone
30th Sep Nancy discussion of starling/bittersweet model parameterization
7th Oct Alejandro Rico Guevara Hummingbird ecomorphology
14th Oct Trina Area Sensitivity methods/results, draft to come CSE gone
21st Oct Margaret & Tanner Chimney Swifts Check out the EEBedia page if you haven't already [1]
28th Oct Trina Spatial analyses sparrow data 2007
4th Nov Sue Stats philosophy II: Information-theoretic methods Johnson and Omland 2004 plus (optional) Stephens et al. 2005
11th Nov
18th Nov Diego Kinematic analysis of pilot data
2nd Dec