Ornithology in the news

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Revision as of 17:30, 10 June 2008 by ChrisElphick (Talk | contribs)

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This page simply lists recent news articles relating to ornithology. It is not exhaustive - simply those articles that I come across during my reading of the media. The site mirrors one that I created for my conservation biology course, and which a lot of students seem to use (you can access that page here). If others in the EEBedia community want to add to the list, please feel free to do so. I only ask that you keep to the existing format, limit any commentary about articles to brief descriptive statements so as to not clog up space, that you focus on articles in the news media that relate to conservation science (broader environmental science issues should find their own home), and that you don't clog the page up with multiple articles on the same piece of news. If you have questions, please email me. Chris Elphick

10 June. Science News. New Zealand Bird Outwits Alien Predators. (Nesting behaviour changes in response to predators - birds are smarter than you might think!)

10 June. Science News. The Cormorant: 'Black Plague' Or An Example Of Successful Species Conservation? (Not just an issue in North America.)

5 June. New York Times. 7 Condors Poisoned by Lead; One Dies. (The latest on condor recovery efforts.)

4 June. Science News. Feather Colors Affect Bird Physiology, Barn Swallows Show. (New work on the interaction between plumage color and body chemistry.)

3 June. New York Times. Same-Sex Parents in Albatross Colony. (New evidence for a phenomenon that was first found in gulls and terns.)

15 May. National Geographic News. Shorebirds "Defy Gravity" to Eat, Study Says. (Why phalaropes are even cooler than you thought.)

10 May. The Economist. Naughty nesters. (Cuckoos doing what cuckoos do best.)

8 May. BBC News. Great tits cope well with warming. (Bird responses to climate change.)