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Date Name Thumbnail Size User Description Versions
15:20, 14 February 2007 CodonModels 6perpage.pdf (file) 103 KB Slides from the Phylogenetics (EEB 349) lecture on the topic codon models 1
13:45, 14 February 2007 6perpage.png (file) 984 B Icon used to indicate a PDF version of a six slides per page Powerpoint presentation 1
13:45, 14 February 2007 1perpage.png (file) 692 B Icon used to indicate a PDF version of a one slide per page Powerpoint presentation 1
03:33, 10 February 2007 TGA.jpg (file) 95 KB Outcrop of Late Devonian sediments near Tioga, PA. 1
03:31, 10 February 2007 FrasFSPA.jpg (file) 57 KB FSPA ordination of abundance data from the Frasnian of Virginia. 1
03:25, 10 February 2007 TrendsRelAbund.jpg (file) 72 KB   1
03:25, 10 February 2007 Ecocube&Trends.jpg (file) 49 KB   1
03:03, 10 February 2007 BushGC.jpg (file) 62 KB Andrew Bush at the Grand Canyon 1
05:23, 9 February 2007 Orange-cares-about-your-health.jpg (file) 46 KB Drawing entitled "Orange cares about your health" from 1
02:57, 9 February 2007 Bloodroot.jpg (file) 66 KB   1
02:35, 9 February 2007 Isthesuncominguptoday.gif (file) 109 KB A sad flower drawing entitled "Is the sun coming up today" from 1
01:34, 9 February 2007 Information-silk.png (file) 778 B From 1
17:17, 8 February 2007 Florida cabomba flowers small.jpg (file) 82 KB Cabomba caroliniana Gray var. pulcherrima Harper flowers, collected from Florida 1
16:25, 8 February 2007 Cemetery.jpg (file) 95 KB Torrey Life Sciences and the Biology/Pharmacy building as viewed from the cemetery 1
16:19, 8 February 2007 Nicola.jpg (file) 21 KB Nicola Plowes working with her ants 1
16:10, 8 February 2007 Gradhandbook.png (file) 6 KB Graduate student handbook logo 1
01:26, 7 February 2007 New.png (file) 1 KB Icon to use for new things 1
19:37, 5 February 2007 Picheader1.gif (file) 24 KB   1
18:47, 4 February 2007 Under construction.png (file) 1 KB   2
20:31, 30 January 2007 New Zealand map.PNG (file) 89 KB Public domain map of New Zealand from 1
00:02, 30 January 2007 EEBedia Tippery.png (file) 16 KB   1
19:35, 29 January 2007 EEBedia2 Tippery.gif (file) 2 KB   1
14:02, 28 January 2007 Adiantum.png (file) 18 KB Pinnule from Adiantum with phylogeny superimposed upon the venation. Used as logo for Spring 2007 Phylogenetics course (EEB349) 1
20:26, 27 January 2007 Eebedia curlz.png (file) 11 KB EEBedia logo contributed by Paul Lewis: Tragopogon flower with EEBedia in curlz font. 1
01:54, 19 January 2007 Sierran Juvenile.jpg (file) 124 KB Juvenile ''Eumeces skiltonianus'' 1
01:38, 19 January 2007 Jon Richmond.jpg (file) 147 KB Jonathan Richmond 1
01:29, 19 January 2007 Eumeces grubricaudatus4 small.jpg (file) 99 KB Eumeces gilberti (photo copyright © 2005 by Brad Alexander) 1
01:19, 19 January 2007 Eumeces gilberti kernba05 small.jpg (file) 127 KB ''Eumeces gilberti'' (photo copyright © 2005 by Brad Alexander) 1
01:09, 19 January 2007 Eumeces skiltonianusSLO small.jpg (file) 117 KB Eumeces skiltonianus photo by Brad Alexander 1
22:54, 14 January 2007 Biopharm1sm.gif (file) 36 KB The "BioPharm" building, new home to many EEB faculty, as seen from the Up-N-Atom cafe in the BSP building, which houses the Biological Collections facility 1
20:45, 10 December 2006 Kentus.lg.jpg (file) 62 KB   1
20:39, 10 December 2006 Holsinge.lg.jpg (file) 96 KB   1
19:44, 10 December 2006 Slime mold 2777.jpg (file) 149 KB Slime mold fruiting body at Goodwin Conservation Center, Hampton, Connecticut. Photo taken September 17, 2006, by Paul O. Lewis 2
17:24, 10 December 2006 Pediastrum duplex.jpg (file) 58 KB Pediastrum duplex. Photo by Louise Lewis. 1
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