Schedule and Deadlines

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Grading scheme for EEB2245W Fall 2008

Sept. 5 (Friday) Decide upon your topic & get my approval.

Sept. 12 (Friday) Draft Introduction is due:

  • I will not be formally grading your draft Introduction, rather I will make comments and suggestions on your draft and return the draft to you with my comments. Remember to include a Literature Cited section for references cited in your Introduction.

Sept. 15-19 Individual meetings with me (to be arranged) to discuss your draft Introduction and to discuss my comments.

Sept. 25 (Thursday) Revised Introduction due: (10 points)

Grading will be based on the overall improvement of your Introduction and how well you have incorporated suggestions and comments on your draft Introduction into the revised version of your Introduction.

Sept. 25 (Thursday) First half of Main Text is also due (~5-6 pages): (10 points).

Remember to update your Literature Cited section to include references added in the first half of the Main Text.

Oct. 7 (Tues.) Second half of Main Text due (~5-6 pages): (10 points).

Remember to update your Literature Cited section to include references added in the second half of the Main Text.

  • In addition to grading the overall quality of your Main Text, I will make comments and suggestions on your draft Main Text and return the draft to you with my comments.

Oct 20-24. Individual meetings with me (to be arranged) to discuss Main Text and to discuss my comments.

Nov 13 (Thursday) Revised Main Text due (20 points):

Grading is based on the overall improvement of your Main Text and how well you have incorporated suggestions and comments on your first draft into the final version.

Nov 13 (Thursday) draft Conclusion due (10 points)

Nov 13 (Thursday) complete Literature Cited due (10 points)

Nov 20 (Thursday): Comments on the first version of your Conclusions section will be returned.

Dec 4 (Thursday) Your final complete paper (including an Abstract ) is due (30 points):

Grading will be based on the improvement of your Conclusions (based on my suggestions), the overall quality of your paper, how well you have presented your arguments, your grammar, proper citations, and how well you have summarized your paper in your Abstract. The result must be a complete paper in the required format. This should be a paper you have thoroughly edited and proofread. It must reflect a major effort on your part to produce a polished final paper.

Lastly, it is to your advantage to meet the deadlines above because: 1) as stated on the course website at the start of the semester, 3% of the points will be deducted for each day an assignment is late up to a maximum of 15%. 2) by getting the assignments in on time you’ll have more time to revise each section.

  • Please note: I have moved the due date for your abstract from Nov. 13 (as stated on the website) to Dec 4, when your final finished paper is due.

Sep. 5 (Friday) Decide upon your topic & get my approval

Sep. 12 (Friday) Introduction due (2-3 pages). Remember to include a Literature Cited section for references cited in your Introduction.

Sep. 15-19 Individual meetings with me (to be arranged); discuss Introduction, then revise it.

Sep. 25 (Thursday) Revised Introduction due; First half of main text due (~5-6 more pages). Remember to update your Literature Cited section for references added in the first half of the main text.

Oct 7 (Tuesday) Second half of main text due (~5-6 more pages). Remember to update your Literature Cited section for references added in the second half of the main text.

Oct 20-24. Individual meetings with me (to be arranged); discuss main text.

Nov 13 (Thursday) Abstract (new), Introduction, main text (both revised) and Conclusions (new) due. The result must be a complete paper in the required format, including a Literature Cited section. This must NOT be a draft, not even a final draft, but a paper you have thoroughly edited and proofread. It must reflect a major effort on your part to produce a polished final paper. You will be graded on the extent to which you have reached this ideal. Nov 20 (Thursday Comments on the first version of your Conclusions section will be returned.

Dec 4 (Thursday) Final complete revised paper due.