Schedule and Deadlines

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Sep. 5 (Friday) Decide upon your topic & get my approval

Sep. 12 (Friday) Introduction due (2-3 pages). Remember to include a Literature Cited section for references cited in your Introduction.

Sep. 15-19 Individual meetings with me (to be arranged); discuss Introduction, then revise it.

Sep. 25 (Thursday) Revised Introduction due; First half of main text due (~5-6 more pages). Remember to update your Literature Cited section for references added in the first half of the main text.

Oct 7 (Tuesday) Second half of main text due (~5-6 more pages). Remember to update your Literature Cited section for references added in the second half of the main text.

Oct 20-24. Individual meetings with me (to be arranged); discuss main text.

Nov 13 (Thursday) Abstract (new), Introduction, main text (both revised) and Conclusions (new) due. The result must be a complete paper in the required format, including a Literature Cited section. This must NOT be a draft, not even a final draft, but a paper you have thoroughly edited and proofread. It must reflect a major effort on your part to produce a polished final paper. You will be graded on the extent to which you have reached this ideal. Nov 20 (Thursday Comments on the first version of your Conclusions section will be returned.

Dec 4 (Thursday) Final complete revised paper due.