Environmental Activism Group

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Revision as of 00:37, 15 November 2007 by KarolinaFucikova (Talk | contribs)

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We are a newly established committee within the GSA. We meet on Mondays at 4:30 pm in the Grad Lounge. Our goal is to coordinate with EcoHusky and improve the environmental impact of UConn in general - but the thing we want to start with is improving our own department!
Our current agenda:

  • in cooperation with the T-shirt committee:

EEB tote bags with a list of simple things you can do to decrease your environmental "footprint"

  • audit of energy consumption for our buildings
  • promoting public transportation and biking instead of driving
  • promoting recycling and using reusable utensils
  • ...

Maria Pickering
Krissa Skogen
Maxi Polihronakis
Karolina Fučíková
others are welcome

Upcoming Stuff:

  • Recycling challenge on 11/15/07. Meeting at Fairfield Way (in front of Student Union) at 3:30 pm. Garbage bags and gloves will be provided by EcoHusky.
  • after-Thanksgiving meeting: Dan Britton is coming, and also Leah Brown-Wilusz (to represent the undergrads).
  • 11/26/07 Recycling Group meeting: Business Building, 3rd Floor Boardroom, 9 - 10:30 am. Some of us should go. This will be the time to ask questions and give suggestions.
  • 11/28/07 PCC (President's Climate Commitment) rally 12 - 1 pm.