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Glossary of terms useful in herpetology

First, a note on taxonomic suffixes:


-idae  family

-inae  subfamily

-ini  tribe

A    B    C    D    E    F    G    H    I    J    K    L    M    N    O    P    Q    R    S    T    U    V    W    X    Y    Z

Most of the following terms were compiled and/or adapted from the following sources:

Behler, J. L. and F. W. King.  1996.  National Audobon Society Field Guide to North American Reptiles and Amphibians.  Alfred A. Knopf, New York, NY, USA.

Conant, R. and J. T. Collins.  1998.  A Field Guide to Reptiles and Amphibians, Eastern and Central North America, expanded 3rd ed.  Houghton Mifflin, Boston, MA, USA.

Minton, S. A., Jr.  2001.  Amphibians and Reptiles of Indiana, 2nd. ed.  Indiana Academy of Science, Indianapolis, IN, USA.

Powell, R., J. T. Collins, and E. D. Hooper, Jr.  1998.  A Key to Amphibians and Reptiles of the Continental United States and Canada.  University Press of Kansas, Lawrence, KS, USA.


  fourth set of plates on the plastron in turtles

adpressed limbs  in salamanders and lizards when the forelimbs and hindlimbs are laid towards each other at full length along the body

amplexus  position of sexual embrace in anurans

anal plate (cloacal plate)  terminal ventral scale or scute in snakes, usually larger than the others

anals  most posterior set of plates in the plastron in turtles

anterior  toward the head

frogs and toads

aquatic  frequenting water or living and growing in water.  Fully aquatic species usually have gills (sirens, tadpoles, etc.) while other species are semiaquatic (turtles, crocodiles, etc.)

arboreal  adapted for living in trees

attenuated  thin and slender

axilla  armpit

axillaries  scutes on the anterior margin of the bridge in turtles

barbels  Small downward fleshy projections of the skin on the chin or throat found in some turtles and tadpoles

basal constriction  narrowing of the tail near its origin in some salamanders

bicornuate tongue  tongue characteristic of ranid frogs with two posterior projections

boss  raised,rounded area; in toads it often lies between the eyes or near the end of the snout

branchial  referring to gills in salamanders

bridge  connection between the carapace and plastron in turtles

canthals  scales of the canthal ridge

canthal ridge  sharply defined and angular canthus rostralis

canthus rostralis  Ridge from the eye to the tip of the snout

carapace  upper shell of a turtle

caudal  posterior

caudates  salamanders and newts

chevron  V-shaped mark

chin shields  paired, elongate scales on the lower jaw of snakes between the lower labials

cirri  Downward projections from nostrils in plethodontid males; naso-labial grooves extend almost to the tips

cloaca  Chamber into which urinary, digestive, and reproductive canals empty; opens to the exterior through the anus

cloacal aperature  opening of the cloaca

cloacal plate  see anal plate

cornifications  hardened areas of skin, often in males of breeding amphibians

costal folds  areas between the costal grooves

costal grooves  vertical grooves on the salamander trunk

costals (pleurals)  scutes lying over the ribs between the vertebrals and marginals in the carapace of turtles

cranial crests  raised ridge on the heads of toads and some newts; interorbital (between the eyes) or postorbital (behind the eyes)

crepuscular  active at twilight or dawn

cusp  toothlike projection of a jaw

cuspate  having an enlarged projection from the middle of the upper jaw (in some tadpoles and turtles)

denticles  larval teeth in tadpoles

dewlap  laterally compressed fold of skin under the throats of some lizards

dimorphism  difference in morphology between members of the same species; sexual dimorphism is a difference between the sexes, dichromatism is a color difference between members of the same sex

distal  away from the origin of an appendage

diurnal  active during daylight hours

dorsal  pertaining to the upper surface of an animal

dorsolateral  intermediate between the center of the back and the sides of the body

dorsolateral folds  paired ridges running down the backs of some frogs

dorsum  the upper surface of an animal

eft  immature terrestrial stage of a newt

emarginated  indented

endemic  indigenous or confined to a specific region

estivation (aestivation)  state of inactivity between prolonged periods of drought or high temperatures

excrescence  outgrowth of the skin; often on the digits and legs of male amphibians during the breeding season

femoral pores  small openings containing a waxlike material on the undersides of the thighs in some lizards

femoralis  fifth set of plates on the plastron of a turtle

form  species or subspecies; distinct, identifiable population

fossorial  adapted for digging and subterranean existence 

fracture plane  zone of softer tissue in the tail bones of some lizards that allow the tail to break off

frontoparietals  scales between the frontal and parietal plates on the heads of some lizards

furrow  deep, sharply-defined groove

granules  small, flat scales, not overlapping, usually convex

gravid  bearing eggs or young, ordinarily in the oviducts

growth rings  concentric areas on the scutes of some turtles; each ring indicates a season’s growth

gular  pertaining to the throat

gular fold  transverse fold of skin across the throat in some salamanders and lizards

gulars  most anterior scutes on a turtle’s plastron

hemipenes  male copulatory organs:  paired in squamates, unpaired in crocodilians and turtles

herpetofauna  amphibians and reptiles native to a region

herptiles  term increasingly used to collectively refer to amphibians and reptiles

humeral  pertaining to the upper part of the forelimb

humerals  second set of plates on the plastron of a turtle

hybrids  offspring of two different taxa

infralabials  lower labials of lizards and snakes

inframarginals  plates between the marginals of the carapace and plastron in turtles

inguinal  pertaining to the groin or the region around the base of the hind limbs

inguinals  scutes on the posterior margin of the bridge in turtles

intercalary cartilage  element between the last two phalanges in the digits of some frogs and toads

intergrades  animals of related and adjoining subspecies that may resemble either form or exhibit intermediate characteristics

internasals  scales between the nasals on the heads of some lizards and snakes

interparietal  median dorsal head scale in lizards between the parietals

keel  raised ridge down the back, tail, or scale

labial  pertaining to the lip

labials  scales bordering the lips of lizards and snakes

laminae  horny external plates covering the carapace of most turtles

lateral  pertaining to the side

larva  the juvenile form of many amphibians that changes stucturally when it becomes an adult

loreal pit  deep depression in the loreal scale of viperid snakes

loreals  scales on the side of the head in some lizards and snakes between the nasals and preoculars

lorilabials  longitudinal row of scales lying between the upper labials and loreal or suboculars of some lizards and snakes

marginal ridge  raised area along the free edge of the carapace in some softshell turtles

marginals  plates lying along the periphery of the carapace in turtles

maxillary teeth  teeth on the maxillary bones in the upper jaws in some amphibians and reptiles

median  toward the midline of an animal

melanistic  specimen with an abundance of dark pigment

mental  single scale at the anterior border of the lower jaw in lizards and snakes

mental gland  gland on the chin of some salamanders

metatarsal tubercules  protrusions or spades on the basal portion of the feet, usually used for burrowing in some toads

monotypic  only representative of a group, such as a genus with only one species

nares  nostrils

nasal  scales on the sides of the head in lizards and snakes in which the openings of the nares may be found

naso-labial groove  groove extending from the nostril to the lip in plethodontid salamanders

neotenic  retaining larval characteristics, similar to paedomorphic

nocturnal  active at night

nuchal  median plate at the anterior edge of the carapace in turtles; also head scales of some lizards and snakes posterior to the parietals and interparietal; pertaining to the nape of the neck

ocular  scale covering the eye in snakes

occipital  see nuchal

occipital spines  projections extending from the occipital region of the head in some lizards

ocelli  round, eyelike spots

oral disc  fleshy parts of a tadpole’s mouth

oviparous  producing young in eggs

oviposition  laying of eggs

ovoviviparous  poroducing young by means of membranous eggs retained in the female until hatching

paedomorphic  retention of larval characteristics, similar to neotenic

palatal teeth  teeth on the roof of the mouth in some toads and frogs

palmar tubercules  small rounded projections on the hands and feet of some amphibians

papillae  small, nipple-like projections

parasphenoid teeth  teeth on the parasphenoid bones in the roofs of mouths in some amphibians

paravertebral stripe  stripe lying to one side of the midline of the back

paratoid glands  paired, wartlike glands on the shoulder or neck or behind the eye in toads

parietal eye  sensory structure opening through the top of the skull in lizards

parietals  large head scales of lizards and snakes immediately behind the frontal and often separated by an interparietal

parthogenesis  reproduction without male fertilization

pectoral glands  small glandular masses on the chests of some spadefoot toads

pectorals  third set of plates in the plastron of turtles

perrenibranchiate  retention of gills by some adult salamanders

phalanges  bones of the toes

plastron  lower shell of a turtle

posterior (caudal)  toward the tail, away from the head

postfemoral pockets  infoldings of skin behind the hindlimbs of some lizards

postlabials  scales behind the labials in lizards

postmentals  scales behind the mentals along the line of the chin in lizards

postnasals  scales behind the nasals and anterior to the loreal in some snakes and lizards

postocular  behind the eye

postoculars  scales bordering the posterior margin of the eye in some snakes and lizards

postrostrals  scales behind the rostrals in some lizards and snakes

preanal pores  extensions of the femoral pore series onto the body

preanals  scales anterior to the cloacal aperature in lizards

preauriculars  scales in front of the ears in some lizards and snakes

prefrontals  scales anterior to the frontals in some lizards and snakes

prehensile  adapted to grasping or wrapping around

premaxillary teeth  teeth associated with the premaxilla along the anterior margin of the upper jaw

preocular  anterior to the eye

preoculars  scales bordering the anterior margin of the eyes in some lizards and snakes

process  extension of a structure or organ

race  subspecies

reticulation  color pattern resembling the mesh of a net

rostrals  scales at the tip of the snout in lizards and snakes

rugose  wrinkly or warty

scale pits  depressions on the posteror portions of the scales of some snakes

scute  enlarged scale of a reptile, sometimes called a “shield” or “plate”

serrate  having sawlike projections

sibling species  two or more species derived from a common parental stock

snout-vent length  measurement of head-body length from tip of the snout to cloacal aperature

spatulate  flat and rounded at tip

spermatophore  cone-shaped jellylike mass topped with a sperm cap, deposited by male salamanders during courtship

spicule  tiny, pointed structure

spiracle  tubelike external opening from the gill chambers in tadpoles

squamates  lizards and snakes

subcaudals  scales beneath the tail

subocular  beneath the eye

suboculars  scales directly below the eye in some reptiles

subspecies  taxonomic term for a distinctive group (usually in coloration) of individuals of the same species that are not reproductively isolated from the rest of the members of the species

sulcus  groove or suture on the plastron of turtles

superciliaries  small scales bordering the orbits in some lizards

supralabials  upper labial scales in lizards and snakes

supranasals  scales above the nasals in some lizards and snakes

supraoccipital  above the occipital area near the upper rear of the skull

supraocular  above the eye

supraoculars  scales above the eye that form shields in snakes

supraorbital semicircle  row of small scales separating the supraoculars from the median head scutes in some lizards

supratympanic ridge  thick glandular ridge of skin above the tympanum in some frogs

suture  seam; boundary between scales or scutes

SVL  snout-vent length

synonym  alternative mane for a taxon

tadpole  larval anuran

taxon  term for a taxonomic category (i.e., species, subspecies, genus, etc.)

temporals  scales behind the postoculars

terminal discs (toepads)  expanded tips of digits in some amphibians

tentacle  specialized sensory structure associated with the eye in caecilians

tibia  leg from heel to knee in frogs and toes

tribe  taxonomic unit between genus and subfamily

troglodyte  cave-dweller

tuberculate  skin characterized by small bumps

tubercules  small, knoblike projections

tympanum  eardrum

urodeles  salamanders and newts

vent  cloacal aperature or anal opening in amphibians and reptiles

venter  entire undersurface or abdomen of an animal

ventral  pertaining to the lower surface

vertebrals  middorsal row of scales in lizards and snakes or of plates in turtle carapaces

viviparous  bearing live young

vocal sac  inflatable pouch on the throat or neck in male frogs and toads

vomerine teeth  teeth lying on the vomer in the palate of some amphibians

whorl  symmetrical row of enlarged scales circling a caudal segment in some lizards


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